- The fifth indictment against stereotyped writing is thatitarranges item. 党八股的第五条罪状是:甲乙丙丁,开中药铺。
- Is Eight-part essay (stereotyped writing) decided by ZhuYuanzhang and Liuji? 八股文是朱元璋和刘基所定的吗?
- Later on, however, foreign stereotyped writing and foreign dogma came into being. 但到后来就产生了洋八股、洋教条。
- Baguwen (Stereotyped Writing) can be classified into two categories: Dati (Broad-theme) and Xiaoti (Narrow-theme). 摘要八股文可以分为大题和小题两类。
- Eight-part essay is a kind of stereotyped writing style, the criticism of which has hardly ceased since the Ming Dynasty. 摘要八股文是一种相当僵化的文体,自明代开始,对八股文的批评几乎无时或息,但它为什么能够长期沿用达五百多年之久呢?
- To say the least,I don't think much of the style of these prepared speeches -- they're just copies of what has been said in the newspapers. Isn't that stereotyped writing? 我看起码是文风不好。写的稿子都是照着报纸抄的,那不是八股?
- If today we do not oppose the new stereotyped writing and the new dogmatism, the minds of the Chinese people will be fettered by formalism of another kind. 如果我们今天不反对新八股和新教条主义,则中国人民的思想又将受另一个形式主义的束缚。
- Unless checked and transformed, the fanaticism and one-sidedness of petty-bourgeois revolutionaries can easily engender subjectivism and sectarianism, of which foreign stereotyped writing, or stereotyped Party writing, is one form of expression. 小资产阶级革命分子的狂热性和片面性,如果不加以节制,不加以改造,就很容易产生主观主义、宗派主义,它的一种表现形式就是洋八股,或党八股。
- When we have destroyed foreign stereotyped writing and stereotyped Party writing, we can enrich our new style of writing and spread it widely, thereby advancing the Party's revolutionary cause. 我们破坏了洋八股和党八股之后,新的文风就可以获得充实,获得普遍的发展,党的革命事业,也就可以向前推进了。
- The language background of the style of newspapers,which was based on modern media in the late Qing Dynasty,was the abrogation of stereotyped writing and the governing position of Tongcheng school. 晚清在现代媒介基础上产生的报章体,存在的语言背景是八股文的废除与桐城派古文的统治地位。
- In short, what was written and taught by the ruling classes and their hangers-on was in the nature of stereotyped writing and dogma, both in content and in form. 总之,那时统治阶级及其帮闲者们的文章和教育,不论它的内容和形式,都是八股式的,教条式的。
- This discussion contains three aspects.The matriculates by stereotyped writings were the marked feature of Qing dynasty imperial examinations system. 本文主要从以下方面进行论述:以八股取士为时代特征的清代科举制约了清代诗人的诗歌积累并影响了清初诗歌的诗风;
- a piece of stereotyped writing devoid of content 空洞无物的八股调
- Reading and writing are different skills. 阅读与写作是不同的技能。
- The same principle may make for smoother writing. 这同一原则也可使文章写得更通顺。
- His writing contains some real goodies. 他的作品中含有真正引人入胜的东西。
- His writing is nothing but a scribble. 他的书写简直太潦草了。
- He is squaring away to write a new chapter. 他正准备动手写新的一章。
- I must get hold of some more writing paper. 我必须再找一些书写用纸。
- I'm writing up the film for the local paper. 我现在为本地报纸写影评。