- They found her slumped over the steering wheel. 他们发现她倒伏在方向盘上。
- The steering wheel is working very well. 方向盘很好使。
- Keep both hands on the steering wheel at all times. 双手要始终握住方向盘。
- She quickly turned her steering wheel. 她很快转动方向盘。
- Will you check the steering wheel, please? 请你检查一下方向盘。
- The steering wheel is padded with real leather. 方向盘上包着真皮。
- A friend of mine had the steering wheel fall off. 我的一个朋友就把铁?弄下?恚
- Turn the steering wheel all the way to the right. 方向盘向右打到底。
- Turn the steering wheel the other way. 方向盘向另一边打。
- Turn the steering wheel to the right. 向右打方向盘。
- And what was the point of a quartic steering wheel? 而且四次式的方向盘又是怎么一回事啊?
- No steering wheel, you drive it with a joystick. 没有方向盘,你用摇杆来驾驶它。
- The middle Hua Jun Jie steering wheel trembles. 中华骏捷方向盘抖。
- The driver was holding the steering wheel. 司机把握着方向盘。
- He could feel the shimmy in the steering wheel. 他能够感觉到方向盘中不寻常的震动。
- He took hold of the steering wheel. 他抓住方向盘。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。
- The boxer clinched his opponent; clench a steering wheel. 战士们握紧手中的武器;握紧方向盘。
- He sashayed his car with one hand on the steering wheel. 他一只手扶着方向盘潇洒地开着车。
- Inspecting the status of steering wheel, gearlever and brake rod. 检查方向盘、变速杆及制动状况。