- Let the tea leaves steep in boiling water for five minutes. 让茶叶在滚开的水中浸泡五分钟。
- I become wiser than my companion because I spend more in oil than they in wine. 我比同伴们聪明,因为我花在灯油上的钱比他们落的酒钱还多。
- To steep in or as if in the manner of tea. 泡开浸透,如同茶的浸泡。
- In the mirror we see the face; in wine,the heart. 镜照人面酒映心。
- This red building is steeped in history. 这座红色的建筑物有着丰富的历史经历。
- Filter equation design in wine making processes. 在葡萄酒酿造过程中的过滤器等式设计。
- They got together and indulged in wine and song. 呼朋引类, 剧饮狂歌。
- In the mirror we see the face; in wine, the heart. 明镜照容颜,醇酒见人心。
- He drowned his cares [sorrows] in wine [drink]. 他藉酒浇愁。
- He prided himself on his connoisseurship in wine. 没有几个意大利人真正懂得品酒之道。
- Jack is a scholar steeped in the classics of ancient China. 杰克是一位精通中国古代经典著作的学者。
- The only arbiter of good taste in wine is you. 只有你才是葡萄酒口味好与坏的决定者。
- steep in wine 酒浸
- Addicted to drink and sex, steeped in wine and surrounded by women 困于酒色
- These are coarse creatures steeped in fleshly lust. 此皆皮肤淫滥之蠢物耳.
- Sediment settling during fermentation, especially in wine;dregs. 沉淀物发酵过程中澄清时产生的沉积物,尤指酒中的;残渣
- V. vinifera is the species most commonly used in wine making. 酿酒葡萄(v.;vinifera)是酿葡萄酒最常用的种。
- The whole town was all steeped in sunshine. 整个镇子都在阳光普照之下。
- In water you see your face; in wine the heart of another. 水中可见自己的脸;酒中可知他人心。
- This whole area is steeped in history. 这整个地区到处都是历史遗迹。