- steel shaft lining 钢井壁
- Fit and inspect shaft line of M/E. 4主机轴系安装报验合格。
- Aiming at the deep alluvium support of coal shaft, the composite shaft lining of high strength concrete and double steel cylinders is presented. 针对煤矿立井井筒深厚表土层的支护,提出了采用双层钢板高强混凝土复合井壁结构。
- Fracture accidents of vertical shaft lining in aquifer are introduced. 研究了表土段立井井壁的破裂情况;
- SUS316 Stainless steel shaft, the heads can be easily dismantled and cleaned up, can also be sterilized. 刀头接液部采SUS%23316材质,可完全分解,方便清理,并可整支灭菌处理。
- Steel shaft with antifrication bearings and adjustable bearing housing, for exact screen distance adjustment. 对带有防磨轴承的钢轴与可调式轴承座,应准确调整屏幕距离。
- This butterfly valve has a reduction worm gear, a valve body whh purging hole and a steel shaft made by heat-resistant steel alloy. 该蝶阀采用齿轮-蜗杆减速机构;阀体设有吹扫孔;阀轴采用耐热钢材质。
- Diamond / CBN cutting tool steel shaft with a carbide wheel cutter, such as requiring high-speed rotary tool path of the Tang Center (R) to adapt to. 超高转速适用于带柄金刚石/CBN刀具与硬质合金旋转锉刀等需要高转速带动的耗材。
- The upper shaft lining of No.1 blast furnace for smelting high TiO2 bearing vanadic titanomagnetite is repaired by forcing and gunning methods. 对冶炼高钛型钒钛磁铁矿的一号高炉炉身上部进行了压入和喷补造衬。
- The rotor is then heated and press fit onto a cooled precision-machined one-piece stainless steel shaft and the assembly is then machined and balanced as a unit. 转子经过加热后压入配合进经过冷精密加工的一体式不锈钢轴内,然后机械和平衡设备装配成一个整体。
- Based on the test results, the design method of vertical bearing capacity of the retractable drilling shaft lining was obtained. 由此提出了可缩性钻井井壁竖向承载力的设计方法。
- Huainan Banji coal mine introduces precasting in Main Shaft and ventilation shaft,and drilling shaft lining is precast construction in ground. 淮南板集煤矿主井与风井采用钻井法凿井,钻井井壁在地面预制施工。
- The rotor is then heated and pressfit onto a cooled precision-machined one-piece stainless steel shaft and the assembly is then machined and balanced as a unit. 转子经过加热后压入配合进经过冷精密加工的一体式不锈钢轴内,然后机械和平衡设备装配成一个整体。
- The shear character in the interface between soil and structure in high stress is one of key research in shaft lining fracture theory. 高应力下土与结构接触面剪切特性的研究是当前井壁破裂理论研究的关键之一,本文对高应力作用下的实验仪器和实验过程做了简要的介绍。
- The fuzzy integrative evaluation theory is used to set up the fuzzy integrative evaluation method of shaft lining under complicated loads in thick alluvium. 在此基础上,利用模糊评价理论,建立了深表土复杂条件下的井壁可靠性模糊评价方法。
- Aiming at the fractured mechanism of mine shaft lining under the condition of stratum subsiding, a new type of retractable drilling shaft lining structure was proposed. 针对地层沉降条件下煤矿立井井壁的破坏机理,提出了一种新型可缩性钻井井壁结构。
- According to calculations, it was necessary to adopt a new type of structure of the shaft lining with vertically yieldable segments for reason of safety. 分析计算表明:应采用竖向可缩新型井壁结构防止井壁因冲积层疏排水而破坏。
- Combine the numeric calculation medal of concrete hydration heat,using ADINA finite element program ,numerically simulates the temperature field of frozen wall and shaft lining. 结合混凝土水化热情况下冻结壁井壁温度场数值计算模型的建立方法,运用有限元软件ADINA建立数值模型,进行冻结壁温度场计算,得出冻结壁温度场分布特性。
- Shaft is the throat of mine for a long time,the concrete strength and anti-seep-age of shaft lining as well as the quality of the lining linkage are not ideal. 立井是矿井的咽喉,但立井的砼井壁的强度及抗渗性以及接茬处的质量长期以来不尽人意,是井巷工程中急待解决的问题。
- Stainless steel shafts series of valves and pipe fittings, automatic CIP cleaning equipment. 不锈钢槽系列及管道配件阀门,全自动CIP清洗等设备。