- We can see steam rising from the wet clothes. 我们可以看见蒸汽从湿衣服里冒出来。
- When you hang wet clothes near a fire,you will see steam rising from them. 当你把湿衣服挂在火边时,你会看到有水汽从衣服上升起。
- The easiest place to look for turbulence is in the stream of steam rising from a boiling teakettle. 寻找湍流最方便的场合莫过于烧开的茶水壶冒起的蒸汽流了。
- Steam rose from the boiling kettle. 壶里的水开了,冒着蒸汽。
- Steam rose from her mug of cocoa. 水汽从她那杯可可饮料里升起。
- An unnatural wraith of steam rising to the left in the humid evening is what is making you cough. 在黏糊糊的黄昏中,一缕莫名其妙的蒸汽向左上方冉冉升腾,使你咳嗽起来。
- A man with an umbrella walks through steam rising from a construction site during a rain storm in New York. 纽约暴雨中,一名男子撑着伞走过蒸汽弥漫的建筑工地。
- He was content to see his friend's cadaverous face opposite him through the steam rising from a tumbler of toddy. 他能透过从一大杯柠檬威士忌甜酒升起的水雾望见地朋友那瘦削凹陷的脸,已经心满意足了。
- Steam rising from the hot springs of Yellowstone's Norris Geyser Basin is illuminated by a full moon. 一轮圆月照亮了黄石诺里斯间歇泉盆地温泉区升起的雾气。
- I imagined steam rising from my head as I ranted.But a part of me was as shocked as the people still standing in line. 我能想象我咆哮时从我头顶升起的怒气,但我惊讶的发现人们仍然整齐的排成一队。
- As she lifted the cover, the steam rose from the fry pan. (当她拿起盖子,炒锅的蒸气就上升了。
- The pressure of inlet steam rising, the LPP of SI decreases at constant inlet water mass flux while increases at constant inlet mass flux ratio of water to steam. 引流系数随进汽压力的升高而减小,随进水压力的升高而增大,随进水温度的升高而略有下降。
- Far look, be like residential village new house, listen to a machine nearly plangent and blatant, good the preeminent company picture that sends steam rising, flourishing. 远看,如住宅小区新屋,近听机器轰鸣喧嚣,好一派热气蒸腾、欣欣向荣的优秀企业景象。
- Gas and steam rise from a volcanic vent in New Zealand. This small island nation uses the Earth's heat to generate about 12 percent of its energy demands. 意译:火山图片画廊。气体和蒸汽升起从一个火山口发出位于新西兰。这个小的岛国利用地球的热能产生大约12%25的能量需求。
- In calm air, the steam rises smoothly in a column for a time, then the stream begins to waver. 在平静的空气里,蒸汽先是呈柱状平稳上升,而后汽柱开始摇曳。
- Steam rises from rice being processed at a small mill in Rangpur, in northern Bangladesh. 孟加拉国北部兰格普,在一个小工厂处理水稻过程中蒸汽上升。
- Along with the increase of decalescence of cooling medium, gas contents increases and degree of dry steam rises. 冷却介质主流发生相变的点称之为蒸发点,其后随着介质不断吸热,气态含量增多,蒸汽干度上升。
- A column of black ash and steam rises over the village of Capelo on the Azores island of Faial. 一个由蒸汽和黑灰组成的烟柱冲天而起,笼罩在法亚尔的亚速尔群岛上的卡佩罗村上空。
- Steam rises from a giant paella dish that organizers claim to be the world's biggest in Madrid, Spain. 西班牙马德里一道工作人员宣称为世界最大的巨型什锦饭热气腾腾。
- Steam rises ominously as flowing lava hits the sea off the Italian island of Stromboli. 意大利斯特龙博利岛的火山冒出不祥的烟雾,火山冒出的熔岩流到斯特龙博利岛附近海域。