- steady state speed regulation 稳定转速调整率
- steady state speed governing factor 稳态调速率
- steady state speed droop 残留不平衡度
- steady state speed 稳态速度
- steady state speed variation 稳态速度偏量
- This was known as the Steady State theory. 这就是人们熟知的静态宇宙理论。
- The active cam shedding mechanism is the key parts of looms,which determines the speed and steady state of motion. 积极式凸轮开口机构是控制织机运动的关键部件,决定织机运动的速度与平稳。
- The results show that the influence of excitation regulation on speed regulation is existent, but it is a little on the premise of higher steady voltage precision. 结果表明:励磁调节对转速调节的影响是存在的,但在保证发电机端电压有较高稳态电压精度的前提下,此影响很小;
- Only a steady state, or pathway equilibrium, is reached. 所能够达到的只不过是恒态性的平衡。
- A steady state causes a full TCP window of data in transit. 稳定状态导致传输的数据占满整个TCP窗口。
- This steady state rise in voltage is referred to as a swell. 这种电压的稳态上升称为电压升高。
- The flow stress remains a conant during steady state deformation. 稳态流变阶段,流变应力基本保持不变;
- The procession moved at a slow and stately speed. 队伍缓慢而庄严地向前移动着。
- The digital simulation of the steady state regulation and transient operation characteristics for hydrogenerator system with DFG is studied by using the proposed control scheme. 该文对双馈水轮发电机系统的稳态调节和暂态特性进行了数字仿真研究,并与常规的PID控制进行比较。
- Attach paper folding speed regulator. 附有摺纸速度调整器。
- Since a low complexity LMS algorithm is used in the iteration, the convergence speed and the steady state MSE performance become a contradiction. 然而由于在迭代过程中使用了复杂度较低的LMS算法,迭代过程的收敛速度与稳态均方误差形成了一对矛盾。
- The definition implies two resultant temperatures, transitory and steady state. 该定义包括有瞬时的和稳态的两种合成温度。
- The CPU percent we measured is the average of the one hour steady state. 我们所测量到的CPU的百分比是一个小时后恒定态的平均值。
- Electronics stepless speed regulation,conveyer utilized rotated bar with heatproof tube made of silica gel. 电子无级调速,输送机构采用自转式输送棒,并加耐热硅胶管。
- The CPU percentage shown is the average of the one hour steady state. 图中所显示的CPU的百分比是一个小时后恒定态的平均值。