- A steady steam of Republican congressmen have been jabbering that Obama has "questions to answer. 一群共和党议员一直在嘟囔奥巴马要“回答一些问题。”
- The beats of the drum were steady and slow. 鼓声平稳而缓慢。
- The slow steady roll of the ship made him sick. 轮船不停地缓慢摇晃使他感到不适。
- The steam tug takes canal boats and barges in tow. 驳船后面拖着小艇和平底船。
- He did not to be tied to a steady job. 他不愿死守着一件乏味的工作。
- The mirror fogged up with the steam. 镜子因蒙上水气而模糊不清。
- The steaming cake was a bait for the hungry boy. 那热气腾腾的蛋糕对这个饥饿的男孩是个诱惑。
- There was a steady increase in population. 人口在不断增长中。
- The engines are driven by steam. 这些发动机是由蒸汽驱动的。
- He knew Helen was going steady with Michael. 他早知道海伦与迈克尔的关系很稳定。
- The old man is not steady on his legs. 这位老人站不稳。
- The ship kept to a steady course. 那艘船一直沿原航线航行。
- Parents must let children blow off steam sometimes. 做父母的有时必须让孩寸们吵吵闹闹,发泄发泄。
- The movement continued to pick up steam. 这场运动继续在加速进行。
- Have a steady touch in dealing with ... 善于沉着地应付。。。
- The kettle is steaming away on the stove. 炉子上的水壶正在冒蒸汽。
- The soldiers kept up a steady fire. 士兵们不停地射击。
- Mr Smith found the steaming jungle a living death. 史密斯先生觉得,那湿热的热带丛林简直无法生活。
- The hostess brought us out a pot full of steaming coffee. 女主人给我们拿出一满壶热气腾腾的咖啡。
- I know she is steady in her purpose. 我知道她意志坚定。