- So they could stay warm their first night here. 这样的话,他们就能在第一个晚上整夜都暖暖和和的了。
- Stay warm, safe and healthy during the holidays! 祝你假期温暖、平安、健康。
- Today we talk about how to stay warm, dry and safe. 今天我们就来讨论如何保持温暖、干燥和安全。
- We have to keep moving. It's the only way we'll stay warm enough. 我们只有不停地活动,才能保持体温。
- Then I waited, buffeted by the wind, trying to stay warm. 接下来就是等,风吹着,我拼命想暖和一点。
- While pumping the gas,we clapped our hands and jumped around to stay warm. 在给汽车加油的时候,我们俩搓着手,蹦过来跳过去地取暖。
- While pumping the gas, we clapped our hands and jumped around to stay warm. 在给汽车加油的时候,我们俩搓着手,蹦过来跳过去地取暖。
- We stay warm by wearing handmade clothing, including sealskin mitts[14] . 我们穿手工制作的衣服保暖,包括用海豹皮做的连指手套。
- Oh, let us just hope it stays warm. 哦,还是让我们希望天气一直暖和下去。
- Double the sheet and you'll stay warmer. 如果你把被单折成两层,盖起来就会暖和些。
- Most of these deaths happen in rural area, where people burn wood and coal to cook food and stay warm. 这些死亡中的大部分发生在郊区,那里的人燃烧木头和煤炭来煮饭和保暖。
- Rich in carbohydrates (starch), a good way to get energy and stay warm in winter. 含丰富碳水化合物(淀粉质),是冷天时取暖及能量来源的最佳途径,令精力充沛。
- Here is a simple way to remember four basic steps to staying warm. 这里有一个简单的方法来记住保暖的四个基本步骤。
- After dark, he and his family would huddle together under blankets to stay warm on cold nights. 天黑之后,他和家人会盖着毛毯相互依偎,好在寒夜里取暖。
- But one soldier either dozing off or jumping up to stay warm brushed on something and was blown up. 但是有一名士兵不知是打盹了还是起身取暖的时候碰到了这些东西然后就被炸飞了。
- It's cold and dull out, and I advise you to stay warm and dry by the fire, as I do," said Meg with a shiver. 外面又冷又不好玩,我建议你最好呆在家里,围着火炉取暖,就像我这样”,玫一边说,一边忍不住打了个冷战。
- Today we talk about how to stay warm, dry and safe. Frostbite is damage that happens when skin is exposed to extreme cold for too long. 今天,我们谈论有关如何保持温暖,干燥和安全。当皮肤暴露在寒冷的空气中时间过长时,就会发生冻伤。
- Katherine: It was wet and cold for most of the shoot. And we would find ways to get out of scenes so we could stay warm in our trailers. 拍摄的大部门时间都是又湿又冷的,我们都在找机会躲到拖车里取暖。
- Anyone who's been outside on a windy, winter day knows it's a lot more difficult to stay warm than on a calm day with the same temperature. 我们都知道冬天在同样的温度下,在户外要想保持身体温暖,有风的时候比没风的时候困难多了。
- What can be salvaged eventually will be used by the strong, those with power and control of food supplies to demand cooperation, to stay warm. 最后能起一些作用的是那些强有力的人,他们拥有武装力量并控制食物的供给,要求人们互相合作,保持温暖。