- stay court proceedings 停止诉讼程序
- A brief entry of the court proceedings in a legal case. 诉讼记录法律案件中法庭诉讼程序的简要记录
- Three such cases are pending court proceedings. 目前有三宗这类案件正待法院审理。
- Civil court proceedings are notoriously slow. 民事诉讼程序的耗时长是无人不知的。
- Carla:Can you explain the court proceedings to me? 你可以向解释一下法院的审判过程是怎么样的?
- They loved debate, and got a kick out of court proceedings. 他们喜欢辩论,因而法庭的辩辞使他们觉得特过瘾。
- Have the lawyers checked up on the court proceedings very carefully? 律师们是否打算把法庭的记录仔细审查一遍呢?
- Legal aid was taken to include information, advice and court proceedings. 法援服务并包括资料提供,谘询和法律程序。
- Wert didn't hire a lawyer and didn't contest the annulment, although he reaffirmed his love for her during court proceedings. 温特并没有请律师辩护,也没有对法官的判决表示异议,但他一直重申自己深爱着阿尔玛。
- Nolan Wainwright, though not required to testify, had been present throughout the court proceedings. 诺兰·温赖顿未被传去作证,但在整个审讯过程中自始至终在
- The streets of Baghdad were almost deserted today as Iraqis turned into their radio to follow the court proceedings. 今天,巴格达街上几乎一个人也没有,因为伊拉克人都在家中收听法院审判的情况。
- Earlier the Caine has Miwuchongchong Shek fraud case, as is the case in the court proceedings in front of the world. 此前一直迷雾重重的坚石诈骗案案情,也随着该案进入法院审理程序而呈现于世人面前。
- Up to six months off for consecutive contributors, the bank would have the court proceedings, forcible repossession. 直至供款人连续六个月断供的话,银行就会通过法院诉讼,强行收楼。
- Citizens of all nationalities have the right to use the spoken and written languages of their own nationalities in court proceedings. 各民族公民都有用本民族语言文字进行诉讼的权利。
- In court proceedings, the crucial evidence is frequently eyewitness testimony relating to a particular transaction or event. 在法院诉讼中,关键证据常常是和特定交易或事件有关的目击证人的证言。
- To intervene in court proceedings, shield your unlawful act, absolve you from sentences beyond the laws and regulations of the receiving state. 不能干预法庭的审判程序,不能袒护你的违法行为,不能超越接受国法律和规定为你开脱罪责。
- In some cultures, arbitration has the same stigma as court proceedings, both of which are viewed with suspicion and as personal insults. 在一些文化当中,仲裁具有与诉讼相同的恶名,人们对二者皆抱怀疑态度,认为它们是对人身的侮辱。
- Stay in concealment until the danger has passed. 藏着别动,等危险过后再出来。
- Article 134. Citizens of all nationalities have the right to use the spoken and written languages of their own nationalities in court proceedings. 第一百三十四条 各民族公民都有用本民族语言文字进行诉讼的权利。
- Alexander Reikhert, an attorney authorized to speak on behalf of SMC, said the company will not comment on the investigation or court proceedings. 代表SMC的亚历山大瑞克特律师说公司不会对调查或审判做评论.