- The paper discusses various cost components and other statistical factors that need to be taken into consideration while assessing the life cycle cost (LCC) of a highway structure. 寿命周期成本就是一种为实现一个结构或一个系统的技术与经济的最大化而做出的最有效的资金投资选择决定的技术方法。
- a statistical factor designed to remove the effect of inflation; inflation adjusted variables are in constant dollars. 用以去除通货膨胀影响的统计因子;被调整的通货膨胀的变量通常为美圆。
- Statistical techniques are regularly employed. 统计方法得到经常的运用。
- That's a factor which we must not neglect. 这是我们不应忽视的一个因素。
- I factor ed my uncle's estate for three years. 我代管我叔父的财产已有三年了。
- They showed some statistical evidence to support their argument. 他们出示了一些统计数字来支持他们的论点。
- His experience in social work is a plus factor. 他在社会福利工作方面的经验是一个有利因素。
- His political thinking is statist, too. 他的政治思想也是中央集权性质的。
- The deciding factor; the deciding vote. 决定性的因素; 决定性的一票
- The determinate factor of our economy is to control inflation. 我们经济的决定性因素是控制通货膨胀。
- An unknown or unnamed factor, thing, or person. 未知之(人)物,不知道的或未命名的因素、物体或人
- This is not a treatise on statistical theory. 这不是一篇有关统计理论的论文。
- The most frequent value in the statistical sense. 在统计意义上最常出现的值。
- Shortage of capital was a factor holding back economic development. 资金短缺是影响经济发展的一个因素。
- Your statistical results are off. 你的统计数据不精确
- The treatment is based on statistical theory. 这种处理的根据是统计学理论。
- A fine script is the most important factor in producing a successful film. 一个好的电影剧本是制作一部好影片的重要因素。
- They provided some useful statistical information. 他们提供了一些有用的统计信息。
- OK, so maybe this season was a statistical anomaly. 好的,所以今年球季可能只是反常的统计而已。
- Self-confidence is the key factor in any successful career. 自信是任何成功之道的关键因素。