- Besides,foreigners and stateless persons who are to stand trial in China are guaranteed to enjoy legal aid. 此外,对在中国受审的外国人、无国籍人,在法律援助方面享有保障。
- Software of foreigners or stateless persons first published in China shall enjoy the copyright under these regulations. 外国人、无国籍人的软件首先在中国境内发行的,依照本条例享有著作权。
- Besides, foreigners and stateless persons who are to stand trial in China are guaranteed to enjoy legal aid. 此外,对在中国受审的外国人、无国籍人,在享有法律援助帮助方面给予保障。
- Provisions of this law concerning citizens also apply to aliens and stateless persons unless otherwise provided. 本法关于公民的规定,适用于在中华人民共和国领域内的外国人、无国籍人,法律另有规定的除外。
- Complaint reporting made by foreigners, stateless persons or foreign organizations shall be handled by reference to these Regulations. 第四十三条对外国人、无国籍人、外国组织信访事项的处理,参照本条例执行。
- Works of foreigners and stateless persons shall enjoy copyright according to this Law, if they are first published in the territory of China. 外国人、无国籍人的作品首先在中国境内出版的,依照本法享有著作权。
- The software of foreign or stateless persons shall have copyright under this Regulation, if it is first distributed in the territory of China. 外国人、无国籍人的软件首先在中国境内发行的,依照本条例享有著作权。
- In 1896, Albert Einstein formally become a stateless person, and to get the Federal University of Technology. 1896年,爱因斯坦正式成为一个无国籍的人,并考进了联邦工业大学。
- Foreigners and stateless persons whose works are first published in the territory of China shall enjoy the copyright in accordance with this Law. 外国人、无国籍人的作品首先在中国境内出版的,依照本法享有著作权。
- The stipulations of this Law as regards citizens shall apply to foreigners and stateless persons within the People's Republic of China, except as otherwise stipulated by law. 本法关于公民的规定,适用于在中华人民共和国领域内的外国人、无国籍人,法律另有规定的除外。
- Article V of foreigners, stateless persons, foreign enterprises or organizations in the People's conduct of the proceedings, the application of this approach. 第五条外国人、无国籍人、外国企业 或者组织在人民法院进行诉讼,适用本办法。
- Where foreigners, stateless persons, foreign enterprises and organizations want to have legal representatives in taking or responding to actions in the people's court, they must entrust their cases to lawyers of the PRC. 外国人、无国籍人、外国企业和组织在人民法院起诉、应诉,需要委托律师代理诉讼的,必须委托中华人民共和国的律师。
- A work of a foreigner or stateless person that is published in China within 30 days after it is first published outside China shall be deemed to have been simultaneously published in China. 外国人、无国籍人的作品在中国境外首先出版后,30日内在中国境内出版的,视为该作品同时在中国境内出版。
- Article 34 The audio recordings produced or published by a foreigner or stateless person within the territory of the People's Republic of China shall be subject to the Copyright Law. 第三十四条 外国人、无国籍人在中国境内制作、发行的录音制品,受著作权法保护。
- the limbo of the stateless person 无国籍人的不安定状态
- Divers persons were present, of all stations in life. 不同身份的、形形色色的人都出席了。
- Every person is accountable for his own work. 每个人都要对自己的工作负责。
- That kind of person is anything but a Marxist. 那种人根本不是马克思主义者。
- Death is no respecter of persons. 死亡是不分贫富贵贱的。
- He is a very nice person to work with. 他是一个很好共事的人。