- The fur schemes for an inversed pendulum state variable feedback control tem are designed. 摘要针对单级倒立摆装置,设计了4种状态反馈制方案。
- The following example removes one application state variable from the collection. 下面的示例从集合中移除一个应用程序状态变量。
- The following example updates the value of an existing application state variable. 下面的示例更新现有应用程序状态变量的值。
- Diagram of the value of a given system state variable against time, following a disturbance. 系统出现扰动后,某一给定的系统状态变量随时间的变化曲线。
- The relation between and suction is studied in this paper, and a new stress state variable for strength of unsaturated expansive soils is presented. 文中还研究了随吸力的变化规律及非地和上强度理论中的状态变量的选取方法。
- The rotor speed can be tacken as a state variable of the system by using the Extended Kalman Filter,which based on the vector control of an asynchronous motor. 在异步电机控制基础上,利用扩展卡尔曼滤波器将转子转速看成系统的一个状态量,根据定子侧可以测量的电流、电压值,逐步估计出转子转速,为研制无速度传感器控制打下基础。
- In the approach proposed, the control law for non-delay systems is designed first, then through predicting the advanced state variable the predictive control law is obtained. 通过按无滞后系统设计控制规律,预测物理上不可实现的超前状态变量的方法,得到了预测镇定控制规律。
- With the same structure of the PID control system and the state variable feedback system, a new solution to tuning PID control parameters by pole placement is presented. 利用所提出的PID控制系统与状态反馈控制系统具有相同结构的特点,提出了利用状态反馈极点配置方法来整定PID参数的思路。
- Considering the inconvenience of using the magnetic vector potential as state variable, magnetic flux density is used as the state variable in the design optimization. 针对以往用磁位作为状态变量不方便的情况,文中直接采用磁通密度为状态变量。
- With this controller,the first state variable of the controlled system in the strict-feedback form synchronizes with the scalar output of the given chaotic system. 严格反馈系统在所设计控制器的控制下,其第一个状态变量输出可以大范围渐近同步于给定的混沌系统的标量输出。
- Research of nonlinear deconupled control LW using state variable feedback linearition method based on the CCM buck converte[J].Proceedings of the CSEE, 2002, 20(10): 18-21. CCM buck变换器的状态反馈精确线性化的非线性解耦控制研究[J].;中国电机工程学报;2002;20(10):18-21
- Finally,the authors have used different series as state variable,established the RBF-ARX model separately and analyzed the reliability and performance of the model respectively. 文章分别采用不同的序列作为状态变量,分别建立RBF-ARX模型,并分析了各模型的性能及可靠性。
- Accordingly the variables X and X are known as the system state variables. 相应地,变量X和X就称之为系统的状态变量。
- The minimum number of state variables required is the order of the system. 所需要的状态变量的最低数量是系统的阶次。
- I'll discuss the use of all these state variables in later chapters. 在后面的章节,我将讨论所有这些状态变量的使用。
- This thesis investigates seveval problems about discrete fractal indices and their intrinsic relationships in Euclidean lattice and Euclidean space, and some problems in local bifurcation problems of one state variable with Z2 - symmetry. 本文研究欧几里得格和欧几里得空间中有关离散分形指标及其内蕴关系,和Z_2对称分岔理论中的若干问题。
- The extended order state variable forms of dynamic equations of visco-elastic composite structure have many advantages, such as simple in formulation, easy in programming, and fast in calculating. 利用扩阶状态形式的粘弹性复合结构动力学方程分析求解特征值问题和计算结构动力响应具有理论简单、思路清晰、编程容易、计算速度快等优点,特别适合于工程实际问题的计算。
- Hence the knowledge of the state variables is sufficient to specify the complete behavior of the network. 因此知道了状态变量就足以确定网络的动态。
- The new features we will be looking at are: optional command parameters, variable actions based on parameters, and internal grammar state variables. 我们将查看的新功能是:可选的命令参数、基于参数的变量操作和内部文法状态变量。
- Decoupling control theory based on a state variable method is deeply studied.And its application in longitudinal flight states of an aircraft is researched by simulation. 系统深入地研究了基于状态空间法的解耦控制理论,并对其在飞机纵向解耦控制中的应用进行了仿真研究。