- The Community Relations Department educates the public against the evils of corruption and enlists community support to fight the problem. 社区关系处负责教育市民认识贪污的祸害,并策动市民支持肃贪倡廉的工作。
- A woman who ran a small grocery store in a rural New York state community has left a local school district US$1 million (NT$33 million) in her will. 一名在纽约州某郊区社区经营小杂货店的女士,在遗嘱中表示,要捐赠一百万美元(新台币三千三百万元)给当地学区。
- The Community Relations Department of the ICAC is always ready to offer our preventive service and assistance. 廉署社区关系处很乐意提供相关的服务和协助。
- In some instances, the Marketplace books can be utilized as an additional dimension for community relations platforms. 在某些情况下,第一书市的书籍能够成为测量社区关系平台的另外一个尺度。
- The Centre is a non-profit making organisation established under the auspices of the Community Relations Department of the ICAC. 中心是一所非牟利机构,由廉政公署社区关系处创办。
- The Community Relations Department is headed by a Director and operates through two Divisions, which are respectively led by an Assistant Director. 社区关系处由一名处长执掌,辖下设有两个科。每个科由一个助理处长带领。
- To receive and call for reports on action taken by the Community Relations Department of the Commission in pursuance of above. 听取及要求廉政公署社区关系处报告为达致上述目标而进行的工作。
- The difference in gender perception is probably a more significant problem than people imagine, according to Carolyn Kaufman, a clinical psychologist and an assistant professor at Columbus State Community College in Ohio. 临床心理学家、俄亥俄州哥伦比亚州立社区学院的助理教授卡罗琳?考夫曼说,男女在情人节礼物认识上的差别可能是一个比人们想象的严重得多的问题。
- On April 2, Jerry Brown was booed in a speech to the Jewish Community Relations Council in New York for suggesting Jesse Jackson as his running mate. 4月2日,杰里.;布朗向犹太人社区关系理事会发表演讲,提议杰西
- The First State Community Chinese School was established in 1996 by Delaware Chinese American Association (DCAA); its current Board of Directors consists of the following individuals. 春晖中文学校于一九九六年由特拉华中美联谊会创办;联谊会现任理事会由下列人员组成。
- A Community Relations Unit was set up in September to strengthen community education and relations,with a view to arousing the fire safety awareness of the public. 在九月成立了社区关系组,加强社区教育及联系,以唤起市民的防火意识。
- Which companies have demonstrated good corporate citizenship in China (community relations, support for education and charity, good environmental record, etc. 最能表现出良好企业公民意识的公司(例如有良好社区关系、热心支持教育和慈善机构,有良好环境卫生记录等)
- The Exchange Routing Engine service is an intra-routing group link state communication service, instead of a routing engine. Exchange Routing Engine服务是路由组内部的链路状态通信服务,而不是路由引擎。
- In the meantime, the Community Relations Department will formulate public education programmes to alert staff of the corruption pitfalls and strengthen the culture of integrity. 同时,社区关系处亦会制订公众教育计划,提醒有关人员对贪污隐患保持警觉性,以及加强诚信文化。
- Italy, the land of Dante, declared war on officialese recently, vowing to simplify the way the state communicates with its citizens. 但丁的故乡意大利近日向官样文章宣战,并承诺简化政府与国民沟通的方式。
- Working in parallel, the Community Relations Department has been partnering with the Civil Service Bureau to promote a probity culture in the civil service. 此外,社区关系处亦与公务员事务局合作经年,推动持廉守正的文化。
- On the preventive education front, the Community Relations Department continues to receive widespread public support as it reaches out to various strata of the community. 至于教育方面,在社区关系处的努力推动下,肃贪倡廉工作继续深入各阶层,并获得社会大众的广泛支持。
- The development enterprise may construct and operate a special port area and wharf in accordance with the unified planning of the competent state communication authorities. 开发企业可以按照国家交通主管部门的统一规划建设和经营专用港区和码头。
- A Community Relations Unit was set up in September to strengthen community education and relations, with a view to arousing the fire safety awareness of the public. 在九月成立了社区关系组,加强社区教育及联系,以唤起市民的防火意识。
- In Coralville, a suburb of Iowa City, Iowa, Police Department Community Relations Officer Meleah Droll has a follower in California who keeps up with her posts. 在位于衣阿华州衣阿华市郊外的珊瑚镇,警察局的社区关系警官麦立.;德罗尔就有一个在加州的追随者一直关注着她发的消息。