- state treasury statistics 国库统计
- The entire fine shall be delivered to the state treasury. 罚款全部上交国库。
- The incomes collected from fines shall be handed to the state treasury. 罚没收入全部上交国家财政。
- All penalties shall be turned over to the State Treasury,no unit or individual may retain them. 所有罚款一律上交国库,任何单位和个人不得截留。
- Losses sustained by The People's Bank of China shall be made up by appropriations from the State treasury. 中国人民银行的亏损由中央财政拨款弥补。
- The confiscated illegal gains and fines must all be turned over to the state treasury. 没收违法所得及罚款一律上缴国库。
- The property confiscated by the State security organs shall, in any case, be turned in to the State Treasury. 国家安全机关没收的财物,一律上缴国库。
- The fine collected and illegal gains confiscated according to law must be turned over to the State Treasury in full. 收缴的罚款以及依法没收的经营所得,必须全部上缴国库。
- All the penalized and confiscated money shall be turned over to the State Treasury according to stipulations. 罚没款收入按规定上缴国库。
- In Singapore, we often inadvertently donate our hard-earned money to the state treasury. 在新加坡,我们经常都在不经意的把我们的血汗钱捐给国库对新加坡的建国作出一番贡献。
- Article 70 All penalties shall be turned over to the State Treasury, no unit or individual may retain them. 第七十条 罚款一律上交国库,任何单位和个人不得截留。
- As a result, Statoil's IPO coincided with a 1-time return of Statoil capital to the State treasury. 结果是在挪威国家石油公司的新股(IPO)发行的同时,一次性退还其部分股本给国家财政。
- All the incomes from fines and confiscations shall be turned over to the State Treasury. 前款所列单位的主要负责人,有前款规定的行为的,从重处罚。
- Praefectus aerarii Saturni. Two former praetors, whose task it was to guard the state treasury. 由前大法官担任的职位,共两人,负责保管国库的金钱。
- So it is necessary to reconstruct state treasury management institution to reduce agency costs, improve agency efficiency and regulate agency behavior. 并针对存在的问题提出政策建议,目的是建立一种新的国库制度安排,使人民银行经理国库人员既有激励机制产生的动力,又有来自于监督和制衡机制产生的心理压力,从而使经理国库的低效率问题得到有效解决。
- The People's Courts and the tax authorities shall turn over the gains from fines and confiscations they have received to the state treasury. 第五十一条人民法院和税务机关的罚没收入,一律上缴国库。
- Once the civil servant breaks the law and violates the disciplines,his promissory right is confiscated and turned over to the state treasury. 一旦公务员违法乱纪受到处罚,其积累的廉勤期权就会全部被没收并上缴国库。
- Due to the effect of the policy of issuing state treasury bonds and enlarging investment,investment in fixed assets kept steady growth though the base figure was quite high. 国家增发国债、扩大投资的政策效应在今年进一步显现,固定资产投资尽管基数很大,仍保持平稳增长。
- The other is post allocation, namely, when social insurance fund raised by other channels are unable to make ends meet, allocate money to replenish from the state treasury. 二是事后拨款,即当以其他渠道筹集的社保资金入不敷出时,从国库拨款补足。
- Due to the effect of the policy of issuing state treasury bonds and enlarging investment, investment in fixed assets kept steady growth though the base figure was quite high. 国家增发国债、扩大投资的政策效应在今年进一步显现,固定资产投资尽管基数很大,仍保持平稳增长。