- Theoretical study on electronic state structure and stability of EuC molecule[J]. 引用该论文 范鲜红;王志刚;闫冰;张存华;潘守甫.
- The ground state structure and vibrational frequencies of H8TPyP6+ were calculated using density functional theory (DFT) at the B3LYP/6-31G* level. 采用密度泛函理论(DFT)方法在B3LYP/6-31G*水平上优化H8TPyP6-的基态几何结构并计算了振动光谱。
- Gramsci discriminated the two major layers in the overtop structure of the modern state structure: cival society and political society. 正是这一社会结构、阶级构成的历史变迁促成了现代民主国家职能和法律功能的革命性转向。
- Due to the true solid state structure,all EL displays are inherently rugged and capable of handling wide temperature ranges and wide viewing angles. 采用真正固态结构,电致发光显示器坚固耐用,可适应大范围温度的变化和视角的变化。
- State structure and transformation of carbides in carburized layers are analized by use of telescope,X-ray diffraction and energy spectrum. 通过电镜、X射线衍射和能谱,分析了渗碳层中碳化物形态结构及转变。
- Considered as a function of the public authorities, the foreign policy of the Republic of Bulgaria complies with the constitutional principles of state structure. 保加利亚对外政策是政府的一项职能,应遵循宪法中有关国体的原则。
- The magnet-reflectance spectrum can be used effectively for the studies of electron state structure of magneto-optical crystal, which is proved by the result of the experiment. 实验结果表明,磁场调制反射光谱可有效地用于磁光晶体电子态结构的研究,从而提出了一种研究磁光材料光学特性的新的测试手段。
- Effects of concentration and boundary conditions on cholesteric liquid crystalline condensed state structure and optical property of ethyl-cyanoethyl cellulose were investigated. 在胆甾相与各向同性相共存时,随着浓度的变化,溶液会呈现出多种织构形态。
- The major result has been a massive disinvestment in state structures. 主要后果是对国家结构的广泛幻灭。
- The aggregated state structure and mcchanical properties of polyvinylalcohol(PVA)/chitosan(CS) alloy membrane were studied by WAXD, DSC,dynamic--mechanic and stress--strain measurments. 本文通过 WAXD、DSC动态力学和应力一应变测量对 PVA/CS合金膜的聚集态结构进行了研究。
- It analysis the differencesin aggregation state structure between Dacron fibre and heat bonded polyester fibre, and theirfunctions and change in the process of forming nonwoven fabric. 通过差示扫描量热(DSC)等手段,分析了涤纶纤维和热粘结聚酯纤维在聚集态结构上的差异以及在非织布形成过程中的作用和变化。
- Condensed state structure and rheological behaviors of 2 kinds of tubing polyethylene(PE)resins with different sag resistances were analyzed by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR)technique. 用固体核磁技术分析了2种具有不同抗熔垂性能的聚乙烯管材料的凝聚态结构与流变性能。
- Democratisation succeeds only when a strong and autonomous civil society outside state structures can come into being. 民主化只能在国家结构之外稳固,且自治度高的市民社会中成功。
- Economically, the country is in a very healthy state. 从经济学的观点来说,国家处于很兴旺的状态之中。
- This crisis, not in growth but in capital accumulation, is further complicated by a different phenomenon, the loss of legitimation of the state structures. 这种危机不是成长危机,而是资本积累的危机,由于另一种不同现象而更加复杂,亦即国家结构的丧失正当性。
- At the same time, we may expect the degree of collective and individual secu rity to decrease, perhaps vertiginously, as the state structures lose more and more legitimacy. 在此同时,我们可以期待集体与个人的安全程度下降,也许令人头晕眼花,因为国家结构失去越来越多正当性。
- He went on the stump in his home state. 他到故乡所在的州去发表演说。
- He is reading a report of the state of the roads. 他正在看一篇关于道路状况的报告。
- They ceded territory to a neighboring state. 他们把领土割让给邻国。
- Should industry be controlled by the state? 工业应该由国家控制吗?