- state price density 状态价格密度
- If State price secrets are disclosed, liability shall be pursued in accordance with the law. 对泄露国家价格机密的,依法追究责任。
- We find that as long as its autarky steady state price differs from the world price, a small open-economy will export the goods with comparative advantage. 我们发现在一个小型开放的经济体系中,只要自给自足长期均衡的相对价格与世界相对价格不同时,则会出口具有比较利益的财货。
- Prices of new and high technology products which are not under the State price control may be fixed by the enterprises themselves. 经营不属于国家控制价格的高新技术产品,企业可以自行定价。
- The presumptive democrative Democratic presidential nominee also vowed to use what he called all the choose tools of State price statecraft to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. 已经选定的民主党总统候选人也发誓要用他所谓的工具来阻止伊朗发展核武器。
- State pricing remains only for certain percentage of those crucial products to maintain the ability of the government to curb the overall price level in emergent cases. 国家定价只限于一定比例的重要产品,以保持政府在紧急状况下控制整体价格水平的能力
- This is the percentage return you will get if you buy the shares at the stated price. 收益是指你以市价买下股票可以得到多少百分比的投资回报。
- They also asked that China publish in the appropriate official journal the list of goods and services subject to state pricing and changes thereto. 他们还要求中国在有关的官方刊物上公布实行国家定价的货物和服务的清单及其变更情况。
- A firm offer is a promise to sell goods at a stated price,usually within a stated period of time. 确盘是为通常在约定时限内按照所约定的价格出售货物而作的一种承诺。
- Those members requested that China undertake specific commitments concerning its system of state pricing. 这些成员要求中国就其国家定价制度作出具体承诺。
- The scanner showed that the activity of the medial orbitofrontal cortices of the volunteers increased in line with the stated price of the wine. 扫描仪显示,随着红酒报价升高,高志愿者的内侧眶皮层的活动加剧。
- A right to buy or sell specific securities or commodities at a stated price within a specified time. 期权:在规定时间内的以固定价格买卖特定的债券或商品的权力。
- A firm offer is a promise to sell goods at a stated price, usually within a stated period of time. 确盘是为通常在约定时限内按照所约定的价格出售货物而作的一种承诺。
- China shall publish in the official journal the list of goods and services subject to state pricing and changes thereto. 中国应在官方刊物上公布实行国家定价的货物和服务的清单及其变更情况。
- Firm offers are make when a seller promises to sell goods at a stated price and within a stated time. 当卖方承诺按规定的条件在规定的时间内售出商品时,他就会发出实盘。
- Economically, the country is in a very healthy state. 从经济学的观点来说,国家处于很兴旺的状态之中。
- An option granting the right, but not the obligation, to sell a futures contract at the stated price prior to the expiration of the option. 一种期权,准予买家在最后期限之前以规定的价格卖出期货合同的权利而非义务。
- He went on the stump in his home state. 他到故乡所在的州去发表演说。
- Futures contracts are a promise between two parties to exchange a commodity at a ecified time and place in the future for a stated price. 期货合约是交易双方就在未来确定的时间和地点,按确定的价格交换某种商品的一种承诺。
- He is reading a report of the state of the roads. 他正在看一篇关于道路状况的报告。