- State police picked up the bandit's trail. 警方探到了匪徒的踪迹。
- The Tennessee State Police are holding him. 田纳西州警察局拘留了他。
- On March 11, state police attacked a joint M.D.C. 三月十一日,警察袭击了MDC与基督徒组成的游行示威。
- Massachusetts State Police has a long tradition of excellence. 马塞诸塞州警局有着长久的优良传统。
- "I hope he went fishing and comes back tomorrow, but I wouldn't bet my paycheck on it, " said state police superintendent Clinton Pagano ... 州警察局长帕加诺说,"我希望他钓鱼去了,明天就回来。但是我可不愿意拿我的薪水打赌(并无十分把握)。"...
- The secret state police in Nazi Germany was known for its terrorist methods. 纳粹德国的秘密国家警察因其恐怖的行事方法而著称。
- Some plainclothesmen were staked out by the state police in the neighborhood. 州警察局派了一些便衣警察在附近一带进行监视。
- Pennsylvania state police were not immediately available for comment. 宾夕法尼亚洲警察局没有立即对此事发表评论。
- Some plain-clothesmen were staked out by the state police in the neighborhood. 州警察局派了一些便衣警察在附近一带进行监视。
- Illinois State Police Capt.Craig Koehler said they are "safe and sound. 伊利诺伊州上尉警官克雷格克里尔说两个孩子“是安全和健康的”。
- State police in Michigan say the truck's driver is alive and accounted for. 密西根州的警察说卡车司机幸存了下来并对此事负全责。
- A state police cruiser was involved in a collision with a firetruck. 一辆州警察巡逻车撞上了一辆救火车。
- Finally, Causey told the state police to fire shots over their heads. 最后,考西告诉州警朝古巴人头顶上空开枪。
- Some plain clothes men were staked out by the state police in the neighbourhood. 州警察局派了一些便衣警察在附近一带进行监视。
- Later, state police awarded citations to the family of rescuers. "They' re heroes. " says Heather. 事后,州警察对他们全家进行了嘉奖。“他们是英雄。”希瑟说。
- He was shooting a television show and video cameras caught the attack. State police are holding the tape for evidence. 他拍摄电视剧,摄像机捕获的攻击。国家警察掌握音像证据。
- In Florida, state police investigators say police were justified in using a taser against a college student. 在佛罗里达州,加州警署调查员说,警察用泰瑟枪来警示学生是合理的。
- For the second time, State Police cruisers go rocketing up the road with SIRENS AND LIGHTS. 警笛声大作、警灯闪烁的州警巡逻车,第二次疾驰在道路上。
- An autopsy wasn't performed, since Liu's family objected on religious grounds, state police say. 警方说没有验尸,原因是柳济南家人基于宗教理由的反对意见。
- State police in Rhode Island say they arrested a man whose blood alcohol level was 0.491 percent. 罗得多岛州的一名警察说他们逮捕了一名血液酒精含量达到0.;491%25的男子。