- state feedback gain matrix 状态反馈增益阵
- Lyapunov Equation based algorithm for calculating state feedback gain is a comparatively normal algorithm used in pole assignment. 摘要基于李亚普诺夫方程的状态反馈增益算法是极点配置算法中比较常见的一种。
- The condition is given analytically in terms of a quadratic inequality with its coefficient determined by the prescribed state feedback gain and the given ellipsoid. 该条件利用二次不等式的形式给出。该二次不等式的系数由反馈增益矩阵,系统矩阵和椭圆形状所确定。
- This paper presents an approach for choosing the gains that can be suppressed to zeros in the feedback gain matrix. 摘要对线性多变数控制系统反馈矩阵增益约束元的选择问题,给出了一种鲁棒反馈矩阵零增益约束元选择的设计方法。
- optimaloutput feedback gain matrix 最优输出反馈增益矩阵
- Then the parametric expressions for the eigenvector matrix of the closed-loop system and the feedback gain matrix are obtained by a series of singular value decompositions on some matrices. 然后通过对某些矩阵进行奇异值分解得到闭环特征向量和状态反馈矩阵的参数表达式。
- Designed state feedback controller with gain is also interval matrix. 设计的状态反馈控制器,其增益也是区间矩阵。
- gain matrix of state feedback 状态反馈增益阵
- feedback gain matrix 反馈增益矩阵
- Once this condition is feasible, a strict linear matrix inequality (LMI) design approach is developed with an explicit expression for decentralized state feedback controller. 当这组条件可解时,给出了分散状态反馈控制器的严格线性矩阵不等式设计方法和控制律的表达式。
- Getting optimized eigenvalue of det[sI-(A-BK)] = 0 is the target of pole placement by selecting state feedback matrix K. 极点配置就是选择状态反馈矩阵K,使系统的本征多项式det[sI-(A-BK)]=0的本征值处于最适宜的数值上,即获得最优的根配置。
- Based on the Lyapunov method, a sufficient condition for the existence of such a state feedback controller is obtained in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). 基于李雅普诺夫方法,以若干个线性矩阵不等式形式给出了控制器存在的充分条件。
- Based on the theory at Markovian jump linear systems, the sufficient condition of state feedback guaranteed coat canal for networked systems is presented, and the guaranteed cost controller is the solution at a act at linear matrix inequalities. 根据马尔可夫跳变线性系统理论,给出了网络化系统状态反馈保性能控制器存在的充分条件;该保性能控制器为一组线性短阵不等式的解。
- Diagonal matrix, model inverse and incomplete state feedback method were discussed to decouple the attitude, and poles configuration was adopted to improve the control system dynamic response for the last method. 为实现内回路的姿态解耦,探讨了对角矩阵法、模型逆及不完全状态反馈三种控制律的设计,并运用极点配置对不完全状态反馈方法进行了补充,提高了控制系统的动态响应特性。
- By choosing right feedback variables and appropriate feedback gain, the vibration transmissibility and the work efficiency of an inertial vibration feede... 在被动隔振的基础上,再采用主动隔振,通过选取合适的反馈变量和反馈增益,可使振动输送机的工作效率和振动传递率均得到明显改善。
- Backstepping, robust adaptive controller,RMRAC,multivariable systems,high-frequency gain matrix,LDU factorization. 01反推;鲁棒自适应控制器;鲁棒模型参考自适应控制;多变量系统;高频增益矩阵;LDU分解
- The improved state feedback algorithm can assign the poles of LTI system arbitrarily. 改进了状态反馈增益算法,可以任意配置线性定常能控系统的极点。
- A novel inverter control system based on state feedback control and repetitive control is presented. 提出了一种基于状态反馈控制和重复控制的新型逆变电源系统。
- By virtue of scalar method and some simple algebraic transformations, the state feedback controller is designed via the solvability of linear matrix inequality (LMI) with a new input. 通过选择合适参数以及对受控系统进行化简和代数等价变换并基于线性矩阵不等式(LMI),给出了离散型线性时不变广义系统状态反馈正实控制器设计的充分条件。
- Based on the model, the Taylor series coefficients of control function are adjusted by an iterative learning law and the learning gain matrix is designed via LMI optimization. 在此模型的基础上,利用迭代学习方式修正输入量的泰勒展开系数,并用LMI方法求解学习增益矩阵。