- The poor old man died of starvation. 那个可怜的老人被饿死了。
- These people are living on the verge of starvation. 这些人正在饥饿线上挣扎。
- The old woman died of starvation. 老妇人被活活饿死。
- The lost explorers ate birds' eggs to stave off starvation. 为了避免饿死,那些迷路的勘探人员吃鸟蛋充饥。
- Punishment had very little effect on him. 惩罚对他没有什么效果。
- It was a race against time to stop people dying from starvation. 为抢救那些即将饿死的人而分秒必争。
- It's certain that every effect must have a cause. 无疑,每个结果必定有其原因。
- Large numbers of people had to struggle on the verge of starvation. 那时许多人不得不挣扎在饥饿的边缘。
- That measure will be carried into effect very soon. 这项措施将在最近付诸实施。
- My plan has not been carried out with effect. 我的计划未被有效地执行。
- The room shows off her paintings to good effect. 这个房间把她绘画的优点充分显示出来。
- Her words had a soothing effect. 她的话起了安慰的作用。
- It's the music to heighten the dramatic effect. 那是用于提高戏剧效果的配乐。
- I felt comfortable on narcotic effect. 在麻醉剂的作用下我感到舒服些。
- The general effect of the painting is overwhelming. 这幅画给人总的印象是很有气势。
- Her reply is in effect an apology. 她的答复实际上是一种道歉。
- Alcohol has a very bad effect on drivers. 酒精对司机的影响很大。
- Salt has a preservative effect on food. 盐对食物有防腐作用。
- The Smiths brushed up against starvation because Mr. Smith couldn't find a job. 史密斯先生找不到工作,因此他们一家面临饥饿。
- They decided to effect a junction of two armies. 他们决定两军会师。