- You can also run DiagControl STOP in the collector's startup folder, or use the Service Control Manager to stop it. 您也可以运行收集程序的启动文件夹中的DiagControl STOP或使用服务控制管理器来停止它。
- On the General tab, in the At Startup, open all files in box, type the full path of the folder you want to use as the alternate startup folder. 在“常规”选项卡上的“启动时打开此目录中的所有文件”框中,键入希望用作替补启动文件夹的完整路径。
- The "startup items" such as the system registry, Startup Folder, etc. Will be scanned. References to worms found in memory or on disk will be removed or fixed. 扫描"启动项目"例如系统注册表,启动文件夹等。内存或磁盘上找到的相关病毒将会被移除或者修复。
- Startup folder to stop it. 可将其停止。
- startup folder 启动文件夹
- God, we look like sheep- we are all carrying the same folder. 天啊!我们都带着同样的文件夹,看起来一模一样。
- The folder was sandwiched in between the two bulging files in the drawer. 这硬纸卡被挤在抽屉里的两个鼓鼓的档案夹里了。
- Fixed error messages not being readable on startup. 修正开机时错误信息可读性不良。
- Click the file or folder you want to rename. 单击你想改名的文件或文件夹。
- Begins debugging the startup project. 开始调试启动项目。
- Share a new or existing folder on your server. 共享服务器上已有的或新的文件夹。
- Would you like the DOS Startup Logo to be shown? 你想DOS启动徽标显示吗?
- Boot mode is the standard system startup mode. 启动模式是标准的系统启动模式。
- A container, such as a cabinet or folder, for keeping papers in order. 文件夹按顺序放置文件的容器,如档案柜或文件夹
- Initialize session on request startup. 在请求开始时初始化。
- He returned the identical stamped folder to Clyde. 他把打过印的那一份又递给克莱德。
- The file system on the startup partition is %1. 启动磁盘分区上的文件系统是%251。
- Peter returned the plan and charts to their folder. 彼得把这份计划和表格放回文件夹中。
- The startup form does not start. 时,启动窗体不会启动。