- startle with amazement or fear. 因惊鄂或害怕而惊起。
- She was pop-eyed with amazement. 她惊奇得瞪著眼发愣。
- I was struck with amazement as I saw the great ship for the first time. 我第一次见那艘大船时,感到非常惊异。
- All those around him looked at him with amazement. 周围的人都对他投射出惊异的眼光。
- She regarded him with amazement unconcealed. 她对他表示了掩饰不住的惊恐。
- The students stared at the teacher with amazement. 学生们带着惊愕盯着老师。
- Solace in time of grief or fear. 慰藉在悲伤和惧怕时的安慰
- All three men were looking at ham with amazement. 那三人都以惊奇的神态望着他。
- An exaggerated or obsessive concern or fear. 夸大的或过激的担心或恐惧
- I thought I should burst with amazement! 我当时惊愕不已!
- To crowd together, as from cold or fear. (出于寒冷或恐惧)挤在一起
- Caderousse looked at him with amazement. 卡德鲁斯惊愕地望着他。
- Hatred or fear of change or innovation. 厌新症,革新嫌忌对变化或革新的嫌忌或恐惧
- The news struck me dumb with amazement. 这个消息使我目瞪口呆。
- Hearing the news, we were filled with amazement. 听到这个消息,我们大为惊奇。
- Something amazing or marvelous; a prodigy. 异常的人或事; 奇异的事
- His eyes were wide with amazement. 他的眼睛因为吃惊而睁的大大的。
- We were all struck dumb with amazement. 我们都惊讶得说不出话来。
- Anxious or fearful about the future; uneasy. 担心的,忧虑的对未来焦虑或恐惧; 不安的
- Even anger or fear is merely a matter of the supply of adrenalin. 甚至于愤怒或恐惧也仅是副肾素(adrenalin)分泌量的问题。