- I prefer to keep out of arguments about money. 我不愿卷入有关钱的争执之中。
- startingpoint of arguments 立论起点
- In the heat of argument I lost my self-control. 在辩论高潮中我失去了自我控制。
- The speaker launched into a new line of argument . 演说者开始进入一个新论点。
- Structure that points to an array of arguments. 指向参数数组的。
- Wrong number of arguments in call of macro. 源文件调用一个命名的宏时使用的参数数目不对。
- My method of argument verges on the absurd. 我讨论的方式接近于荒谬。
- Sceptics are not short of arguments. 怀疑论者并不缺乏论据。
- The new published book brings a lot of arguments . 这篇新发表的书评引起了很多争论。
- His style of argument in meetings is not so much aggressive as pertinacious. 他在会议上的辩论态度并非锋芒逼人而是坚持己见。
- The clash of arguments between them is unavoidable. 他们议论的冲突是无可避免的。
- A single fact is worth a shipload of arguments. 一桩事实抵得上一船雄辩。
- He wrote in a tumult of argument and change. 当时社会上变化动荡、议论纷纷,泰勒正是在这种气氛中为报纸写作的。
- Then a babel of argument broke out again. 七嘴八舌的争议又起来了。
- For heaven's sake don't start any kind of argument. 看在上帝的份上,千万不要挑起什么争端。
- He lost his temper in the heat of argument. 他在激烈的争论中大发脾气。
- Politics provides a perennial subject of argument. 政治是一种长期争论不休的话题。
- The topic of argument is controversial. 这个议题是很有争议的。
- Your ground of argument is not very persuasible. 你的论据不太有说服力。
- How far can we get with this kind of argument? 我们在多大程度上能够获得这种辩论的胜利?