- One low side of the hill was a sparsely connected system: flat-footed and stagnant. 在山的低侧,一边是松散连接的系统:不敏感而且死气沉沉。
- Star connection, provoked by the actor Tomohisa Yamashita banner. 主演方面,由山下智久挑起男主角大旗。
- With the comparison of the DVM system and the Frequency conversion multi connected system on energy cost characteristic, the energy saving effect of the DVM system is approved. 本文将数码涡旋多联式空调系统与变频多联式空调系统在能耗特性方面进行了比较以论证其节能特性。
- But since the brain, and society, is a connected system, the accumulation of these micro-attitudes, from neuron to neuron and person to person, can result in observable behavior. 但是,由于大脑和社会是相互联通的系统,神经元与神经元之间,以及人与人之间这种微观层面的分享一旦积聚起来,将形成可观察的行为。
- Objective:To discuss the nursing experience on the new CAPD pipe connect system and responsibility system nursing in treating chronic renal failure (CPF). 目的探讨新的腹膜透析管连接系统(双联系统)及责任制护理在治疗慢性肾功能衰竭中的护理体会。
- Lead used in compliant pin connector systems. 顺应针联接系统中使用的铅。
- The company optimizes its management of each branch company by means of star connection, giving full play to its overall edge. 我司通过总部的星形联接实现对各分公司的管理,并且通过合理化经营,最大程度的发挥整体优势。
- This paper analyses the self healing structure based on the digital cross connect system(DXC),compares it with other network restoring structures,and explores the further development of the network restoring technology. 本文分析了基于同步数字交叉连接设备的自愈网结构,并将其与现有的其它网络恢复结构进行了比较,还对网络恢复技术的进一步发展作了探讨。
- In communications, a junction on a cable distribution system which connects system outlets to the network. 在通信技术中,一种配线系统上连接系统和网络的接头。
- The net effect of the connecting system is to introduce losses and lags in response. 连接装置的净影响造成损耗和响应滞后。
- FIGURE 2. These reliable connector systems all use spring contacts. 图2.;这些可靠的连接器系统全部使用弹针。
- For a while, the darkling star disappeared behind thick clouds. 隐约出现的星星暂时消失在厚厚的云层後面了。
- Based on a T-bus connection system, the components are hot-swappable and allow easy system expansion. 基于T-总线的连接系统,其部件都是很容易扩展的热交换部件。
- He has an urge to become a cinema star. 他渴望当一名电影明星。
- Series-parallel connected system 串并联组合系统
- She is crazed about the film star. 她对那位影星着迷。
- All but the morning star have disappeared. 除掉金星以外其他的星星全都消失了。
- The children mobbed the baseball star. 孩子们欢呼着朝那棒球明星围上去。
- Extreme everything: Unprecedented construction techniques, air insulation, proprietary PSS silver, and an aerospace connection system combine to make Amazon possible. 至臻完善:空前的结构技术,空气隔离,独家专有的PSS纯银处理技术,更加以航天连结处理方式,都是促成“亚马逊”讯号线执行能力之因素条件。
- The cast of the play included a international star. 这个剧的演员名单中有一位国际明星。