- Using a standard tool kit will make the development of grid systems much faster. 使用标准工具包将会加速网格系统的开发速度。
- JHYG piston Type liquid prover is a newly developed standard tool for measurement of liquid flow andquantity-value transmission. JHYG型活塞式液体标准体积管是新近研制成功的液体流量计量量值传递的标准器具。
- The calculation is mader for standard tools with a plug mandrel according to figure4. 根据图4计算的该结果是用于带插入式滚轴的标准装具(模具)的.
- The contact uses four size 24 AWG, screw-machined contacts that can be crimped with standard tooling. 接触件用于四个24 AWG线径,机车打模的接触件,可采用标准工具压接。
- Users can edit text within them using the standard tools of contiguous selection (as discussed in Chapter 19) with either the mouse or the keyboard. 使用鼠标或键盘,用户能够使用标准的连续选择工具编辑其中的文本(正如在第19章中所讨论的)。
- There are standard tools like a color chooser, eraser, paint bucket, and ellipse tool, and clicking any of the tools triggers a jolly voice to vocalize the name of the tool or color that was chosen. 有标准的工具栏,比如:选色按钮、橡皮擦、颜料桶、椭圆形工具 ,点击任一工具按钮,都会有一个快乐的语音提示,告诉你工具的名称及你选的颜色。
- These standard tools are similar in functionality, but they limit the file system integrity control to files with SUID and SGID flags. 这些标准工具功能相近,但是,它们把对文件系统完整性的控制限于有SUID和SGID标志的文件。
- The part can be riveted with standard tools,it has two versions;round and hexagon.The size are:from #4 to 5/16",and from M3 to M8. 能采用一般标准工具快速方便的铆接,具有圆形和六角形两种。螺纹规格%234到5/16"和M3到M8。
- This article shows how the standard tools used for analyzing market definition and unilateral effects for mergers need to be modified when the parties are MSPs. 本文介绍如何在标准工具用于分析市场定义和单方面的影响合并需要修改时,各方都中等。
- If it creates a presentation, for example, it should create it, and then let the user have the option, later, using standard tools, to change the presentation. 比如,如果要创建一个演示文稿,它应该直接创建。 然后让用户选择,或者后来使用标准工具来进行改变。
- Graphics zutai softwareinclude four small parts: Graphic Editor, Program Design of Dynamic Control, ProgramDesign of Standard Tools, Program Design of Real-time data interface. 其中图形组态软件又分为几个小部分:图形编辑器的程序设计、动态控件的设计、标准工具的程序设计、实时数据接口的程序设计。
- The CALS initiative is developing and using technology and standard tools as govemment and industry expand their products and services in the national and international. CALS的推展在于使用技术及共同的标准与工具,使政府与产业界能在国内及国际市场上,扩展企业的产品及服务。
- There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts. 法庭中使用的誓词有固定的格式。
- This is one of the standard books on the subject. 这是有关这个问题的权威著作之一。
- It will send you standard form for you to fill out. 它(商标局)会寄给你标准表格要你填写。
- That country came off the gold standard long ago. 那个国家好久之前就放弃金本位制了。
- Such prices hit off with the standard of our life. 这样的物价与我们的生活水准相符。
- The field-convertible design allows the TDV to be changed from the factory-standard, straight pattern to an optional angle pattern by using standard tools, and no additional parts. 现场可转换设计使得系列TDV能够从工厂标准结构-直线型结构转换为备选的角型结构,只需使用标准工具,不需要任何额外的部件。
- A can like this is considered below standard. 这样的罐头认为是不合格的。
- Their work is not up to standard. 他们的工作成绩不够标准。