- standard system scanner 标准系统扫描程序
- Boot mode is the standard system startup mode. 启动模式是标准的系统启动模式。
- The standard system font size in points. 以磅值返回标准的系统字体。
- Returns the size of the standard system font. 返回标准的系统字体大小。
- Every week I do a full system scan with Norton Internet Security Professional. 每个星期我完全与诺顿网络安全扫描系统专业.
- Improved deep system scan after uninstallation to find hidden registry entries. 改进系统扫描深卸载后,找到隐藏的注册表项。
- No standard system of classifying folk gestures has been adopted. 民间身势语没有统一的分类体系。
- This code reuses standard system colors available through the. 类可用的标准系统颜色。
- Digram of standard system for transportation trade II. 交通行业标准体系表2。
- Red: The last system scan is older than one month or not performed yet or the last scan has found some malware. 红色:最后的系统扫描已经超过一个月或者还没有进行或者最后的一次系统扫描侦测到了病毒。
- Green: The last system scan is younger or equal than one week and no malware has been found. 绿色:距离最后一次系统扫描小于或等于一个星期并且没有侦测到病毒。
- In Windows Defender, you can choose to run a quick scan of your computer or a full system scan. 在Windows Defender中,可以选择运行计算机的“快速扫描”或“完整系统扫描”。
- Objective:To develop a standard system for dermatophytes identification. 目的:建立一种适宜的皮肤癣菌标准化鉴定方法。
- Make sure that your antivirus or anti-spyware software is updated with the latest signatures, and then perform a complete system scan. 确保已使用最新签名更新了用于防病毒或防间谍软件的软件,然后执行一次全面系统扫描。
- Date and time of last system scan caused by system queries that the recommended index in the group could have been used for. 由可能使用了组中建议索引的系统查询所导致的上次系统扫描日期和时间。
- By form of reserve assets:gold standard system, gold exchange standard system, credit standard system. 按储备资产的保有形式:金本位制度,金汇兑本位制度,信用本位制度。
- Firstly we conclude the evaluating standard system on software architecture quality. 首先归纳了软件体系结构质量的评价标准体系。
- Run a full system scan. 扫描整个系统。
- Standard Settings The credit control area 0001 is defined in the SAP standard system. 标准的SAP系统中已预设了一个代码为0001的信用控制区。
- Standard system comes with stackable input and output tube modules with adjustable tape and reel module. 标准系统一起提供可叠起堆放的输入与输出电子管模块,可调整的带子和卷轴模块。