- the standard deviation of mean level of blood glucose 平均血糖标准差
- SD: Standard deviation of the fit. 拟合的标准偏差。
- Conclusion:The standard deviation of the linearities is very small. 结论:酶促反应曲线开始阶段有较好线性,可作为评价指标;
- standard deviation of mean 平均数标准差
- Tone recognition ranged from 35% to 99% correct with a mean of 62.8% and standard deviation of 14.7% in these users. 声调正确识别率为 (6 2 .;8± 14
- The mean and the standard deviation of the BISI scores for the entire subjects were 48.41 and 8.08. 全体样本BISI分数的平均数为48.;41,标准差为8
- Ui was given by a Gaussian random number generator of mean zero and standard deviation Arel*G0i, where Arel =0.02. 上面是国外一篇文献上的一段关于一组离散数据添加高斯白噪声的原文。
- The mean and standard deviation of the Concentration of gray classes in WANNING and QINDAO were provided. 同时还给出了万宁、青岛两地各灰类氯离子浓度的平均值和标准差。
- Such as the mean radius of asperity peaks,the mean asperity distance,the density of asperities and the standard deviation of asperity height. 为了实现微观表面粗糙峰特征参数的获取,提出了一种结合小波分析和分水岭分割法的微观表面形貌分析方法。
- Beyond these limits, either the estimated mean is incorrect, or the standard deviation of the results becomes unacceptably large. 除了这些限制以外,不是估计方法错误,就是结果的标准偏差变得不可接受的大。
- The standard error is the standard deviation of the sampling distribution. 抽样分布的标准差。
- Returns the population standard deviation of non-null values of an item. 返回某项的非空值的总体标准偏差。
- The ave rage recovery was 97.2% with relative standard deviation of 3.4%. 平均加样回收率97.;2%25;RSD为 3
- The nonuniform coefficient is defined as the ratio of mean square deviation of mean interval discharges in a year to mean annual discharge of the year and it is a standard statistics. 该方法以年内各时段平均流量的均方差与年平均流量的比值作为径流年内分配的不均匀系数,用标准的统计量定量描述径流年内分配的不均匀性;
- When mean is known and standard deviation is unknown,more accurate estimation of mean can be obtained by Langlie method,while more reliable standard deviation can be obtained from D-optimality method. 在对样品感度信息掌握较少的情况下,D-优化法的估值精度优于其它两种方法,在只掌握试验样品的均值,对标准差不了解的情况下,兰利法可以得到更准确的均值估计,而D-优化法则可以得到更准确的标准差;
- Returns the standard deviation of a numeric expression evaluated over a set, using an unbiased population. 通过使用非偏置填充,返回在某一集合上对数值表达式求得的标准偏差。
- An estimate of the standard deviation of a population, where the sample is a subset of the entire population. 估算总体的标准偏差,样本为总体的子集。
- Returns the statistical standard deviation of all values in the specified expression. 返回指定表达式中所有值的标准偏差。
- Repeatability of the AFM head is verified by tests and the standard deviation of 0.318 nm is obtained. 测头的重复性通过实验验证;测头信号实验标准差为0.;318nm
- He does not look fifty by any manner of means. 他看上去一点不像50岁的人。