- standard design flood 标准设计洪水
- Seasonal design flood should not only satisfy the flood prevention standard but also reflect seasonal variation characteristics. 分期设计洪水既要满足防洪标准,又能反映洪水的季节性变化特征。
- The design flood hydrograph is computed using observation discharge data. 利用实测流量资料推求设计洪水过程;
- The design flood hydrograph is computed using observation discharge data.3. 2、利用实测流量资料推求设计洪水过程;
- In this paper,introducing the way for ascertain design flood water level of inundate area using Saint-Venant equations and some special methods. 在内涝区采用圣维南方程组及一些特殊处理的方法来推求设计洪水位是比较科学的。
- Adopt API standard design, accord with HSE demand, meet international bid demand. 采用国际规范API标准设计,符合HSE要求,满足国际招标要求。
- The potential boosting Limiting stage during flood is analyzed by checking design flood and studying interval and substage flood.2. 与此同时,通过对水库设计洪水的复核以及对区间洪水和分期洪水的研究,分析了汛限水位抬高的潜力。
- Atlas of steel purlin and girt is established by China Institute of Building Standard Design &Research. 该标准图集采用了檩条允许线荷载的表示方法分别列出了各荷载效应下檩条的允许线荷载值。
- Bellows globe valve and gate valve according to MSS-SP-117 standard design and manufacture. 波纹管截止阀和闸阀的设计依据MSS-SP-117标准设计、制造。
- Slip Ring Assemblies are a standard design for winder and rewind converting systems. 集电环组件是标准设计,用于卷扬机和重绕转换系统。
- There are two types of sealing washer: the standard design (fig 1) and the flocked design (fig 2) which is intended for difficult operating conditions. 有两种类型的密封垫圈:标准设计(图1)和拟用于困难的工作条件的絮片式设计(图2)。
- The design is tailored to the particular application and, for cost reasons, is generally based on available bearings of standard design. 设计根据特定应用,量体裁衣,而且考虑到成本因素,一般是以可利用的标准设计轴承为基础的。
- Cooperates in the fields of building structure, such as scientific research, technical development, standard design and industrialized design etc. 合作进行建筑结构领域的科学研究、技术开发或标准化、产业化的设计。
- The main methods for calculating designed flood are probable maximum precipitation and hydrologic frequency analysis. 设计洪水计算方法主要是可能最大降雨和水文频率法。
- A combined with a two or three-figure number identifies variants of the standard design which cannot be identified by generally applicable suffixes. A与两位或三位数字结合,表示无法以通用后缀表示的标准设计的变异。
- Now, in EDRI we have 3 state standard design master 24 experts who enjoy special government allowance and 38 professor level senior engineers. EDRI拥有国家级设计大师3名,享受政府特殊津贴专家24人,教授级高工38名领衔的高科技队伍。
- The cap was based on Bericap standard design SK40/24 PV with customized knurl finish and embossment with CA star or Chevron logo on top of the cap. 上限是根据百利盖标准设计SK40/24光伏定制隆起完成和浮雕与CA明星或雪佛龙标志上方帽。
- Speciality in fields Designed storm,Designed flood, Hydrological forecast,flood control information System, Decision support system, Data visualisation. 业务特长领域:设计暴雨、设计洪水、洪水预报、防汛信息系统、决策支持系统、数据可视化;
- The standard design of the open skirt is a fairly flat overskirt with a heavily frilled underskirt beneath, which looks very luxurious. 为了能够在灼热的天气里凉快下来,洛丽塔更宁愿选择轻薄的上装和裙子而不是从头到脚的着装。
- Templates enable you to quickly create new issues or editions of a publication by starting with a standard design that already contains all of the reusable elements that you want. 使用模板,您可以从已包含全部所需可重用元素的标准设计方案开始,快速创建出版物的新期刊或版本。