- stand your shotvt. 付清费用(付帐)
- You were mistaken. You shouldn't stand your ground. 你错了,你不应该固执已见。
- Don't let him persuade you,stand your ground. 别听他的,坚持自己的主张吧。
- "I can't stand your shedding tears, sweetheart. “我不忍心看见你流泪,心肝。
- Go all out and stand your belief. 坚定信念,努力工作。
- Why don't you stand your ground? 你为什么不站住脚跟?
- I could not stand your abnormal amour. 我受不了你的不正常的爱。
- Stand your ground. This whole thing will blow over. 站稳脚跟吧。这整个事情会烟消云散的。
- I can't stand your dereliction of duty. 我不能容许妳玩忽职守.
- If yo go up and get your shot blocked, does it count as a shot attempt? 还有,如果你投篮时被盖帽,这次出手也会被记入技术统计之中吗?
- It doesn't seem to matter when you release your shot--it's probably going in. 你什么时候放开按键投篮都没关系,因为一般他都会进。
- I won't stand your talking like that about other comrades. 我不能让你这样谈论别的同志。
- stood your shotv. 付清费用(付帐)
- I believe your shooting might be scaring them off. 我想你的枪声可能吓倒他们了。
- Even though I am a magnanimous person, I can't stand your behavior. 我本来是一个宽宏大量的人,但你的行为实在叫人难以忍受。
- Your shooting position has violated the rules. 你的射击姿势犯规了。
- Take your time aiming and when you think that you can hit the cue ball dead centre, take your shot. 瞄准时要稳,在你认为自己可以准确击中主球的球心时再击球。
- I admire you standing your ground. 我钦佩你坚持立场。
- Could your shot at the end of regulation be that defining moment for the series? 你今天在第四节的最后一投可以称为这系列的决定性时刻吗?
- Take your time aiming and when you think that you can hit the cue ball dead centre , take your shot. 瞄准时要稳,在你认为自己可以准确击中主球的球心时再击球。