- Our men stood out against the enemy until their ammunition was exhausted. 我们的战士坚决抵抗敌人直到打完最后一颗子弹。
- The statue stands out against the trees. 这座雕像衬着树丛,轮廓特别鲜明。
- Red plums stand out against the white snow. 红梅衬着白雪十分醒目。
- Our troops stood out resolutely against the long siege of the enemy. 我们的部队顽强地顶住了敌人长时间的围困。
- The white sail stands out against the dark sea. 在与漆黑的海相映之下,白帆显得格外突出。
- stand out against the enemy 继续抵抗敌人
- The tower stood out against the blue sky. 那座塔衬托着蓝天引人注目。
- A horse and foal stand out against the gray of the English moors. 一匹野马和她的幼驹站在雾茫茫的英格兰荒野上。
- March came in,and they were still holding out against the enemy. 3月来到了,他们仍然抗击着敌人。
- March came in and they were still holding out against the enemy. 三月来到了,人们仍然打击着敌人。
- The ancient aqueduct stood out against the clear sky. 古代留下来的高架渠在蓝天的映衬之下十分夺目。
- March came in, and they were still holding out against the enemy. 3月来到了,他们仍然抗击着敌人。
- Our soldiers held out against the enemy's attacks for a week. 我们的战士抵抗敌人的进攻达一周之久。
- The castle stands out against the sky. 这座城堡矗立天际。
- The red house in this seaside city stand out against the background of the green hills. 这座海滨城市的红房子在青山映衬下十分夺目。
- The bareshapes of the winter trees stood out against the pale sky. 冬天光秃秃的树在苍白的天空的衬托下轮廓更加清晰。
- The students agreed that they must stand out against the decision to cut down the trees. 学生门一致同意坚决反对砍伐树木的决定。
- We managed to stand out against all attempts to close the company down. 我们竭力顶住了要关闭公司的一切作法。
- The soldiers had been holding out against the enemy's attacks for a week before the reinforcements arrived. 在增援部队到达之前,战士们抵御敌人一个星期的进攻。
- A fox stands out against the mountains of Svalbard, Norway. 一只狐狸面对斯瓦尔巴群岛的群山而立,看起来有点忧郁。