- I expected that she should stand my friend in these altercations. 我认为在这场斗争中她应该坚决站在我一边。
- stand my trialvi. 受审
- I can just reach the top shelf if I stand my toes. 如果我踮起脚尖的话;我刚刚能够着顶层的架子.
- But Ill stand my ground and I wont back down. 但我会坚守我的阵地,我不会退缩。
- She can't stand my messing up the house. 她不能容忍我把房间弄得乱七八糟。
- I can't stand my inconsiderate attitude! 我不能忍受我冷漠的态度!
- I can't stand my impetuous individuality! 我不能忍受我浮躁的个性!
- I can't stand my deficient actions! 我不能忍受我匮乏的行动!
- He can't stand my idea about sunglass. 他不能容忍我对于太阳镜的看法。
- stood my trialv. 受审
- I wish you would have some kind of sympathy for my trial; you never have any feeling for me. 我希望你对我的痛苦关心一点,你对我一点同情心都没有。
- This is a treasure trove of free information for anyone interested in learning about my trial of polyphasic sleep. 对任何感兴趣了解我多相睡眠试验的人来说,这是一个宝库。
- But the judge then left the bench and returned to say that we had misheard her, and that my trial would go forward. 但是之后法官离开了,可是等到她回来时候,她却说,我们可能误解了她的意思,说对我的审讯会继续进行下去。
- I expected that she should stand my friend in these altercations . 我认为在这场斗争中她应该坚决站在我一边。
- She has been my companion through all my trials and tribulations. 她陪我经历了种种艰难困苦。
- I tell her about my trials at work and brag about the kids and Peggy. 我跟她讲工作中的烦恼,也向她夸耀佩吉和孩子们。
- But you are those who have remained with Me throughout My trials. 在我的试炼中,始终和我同在的就是你们。
- If I'm backed in a corner without a valid reason and being threatened then I will stand my ground. 当我遭受无理地逼迫的时候,我会坚守我的阵地不动摇。
- I'll stand my lance 150 steps away outside the gate. If my arrow hits its edge you two will stop your fight. And if I miss the target you have your own way. 吕布又说:"我把画戟插到辕门外一百五十步地方,如果我一箭射中画戟的枝尖,你们两家就不要打了。如果我射不中,打不打我就不管了。
- Are you willing to stand surety for your brother? 你愿意当你弟弟的保证人吗?