- He maintained his stand in the teeth of public opinion. 他不顾公众舆论的反对而坚持自己的立场。
- The quarrel couple stand in the sit room, eyeball to eyeball. 夫妻俩站在起居室里吵架,你瞪著我,我瞪著你。
- The gap is still wider in the new industries. 新兴工业的差距就更大了。
- Some have the hap, some stick in the gap. 有的人走运,有的人倒霉。
- Please stand in the middle of the room. 请站在房子中间。
- They were standing in the river spearing fish. 他们站在河里叉鱼。
- He took no stand in the revolution? 所以他就不主张革命了?
- He is standing in the middle of the classroom. 他正站在教室中间。
- Ye have not gone up into the gaps, neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel to stand in the battle in the day of the LORD. 没有上去堵挡破口,也没有为以色列家重修墙垣,使他们当耶和华的日子在阵上站立得住。
- The girl standing in the front row is my niece. 站在前排的少女是我的侄女。
- A salesman was standing in the door. 一个推销员站在门口。
- They stood in the doorway chatting. 他们站在门口闲聊。
- I am uncertain of their stand in the matter. 我不能肯定他们在该事件中的立场。
- Get on the pavement; don't stand in the Road. 走到人行道上来,别站在马路中间。
- Tell the boy not to stand in the way. 叫那个男孩别挡道碍事。
- Those building stand in the corner. 那座大楼位于拐角处。
- Several issues stand in the way of a Bryant deal. 还有很多问题妨碍科比的交易。
- She usually have to stand in the train. 在火车上她通常都得站着。
- She stood in the doorway, unable to decide whether or not to enter. 她站在门口,一时决定不了要不要进去。
- She stood in the doorway, unable to decide whether to go in. 她站在门口,拿不定主意是否进去。