- He has stand for office several times,but have never is elect. 他已好几次竞选此职但从未被当选。
- He have stand for office several times, but have never is elect. 他已好几次竞选此职但从未被当
- Urged on by his work friends, he stood for office. 在同僚们的鼓励下,他参加了竞选。
- Well, if I run for office, the voters will have a clear choice.I stand for everything Boswell doesn't. 嗯,假如我出来竞选,投票人可以有明确的选择,我代表Boswell所不赞成的立场。
- He has stood for office several times,but has never been elected. 他已好几次竞选此职但从未被当选。
- He has stood for office several times, but has never been elected. 他已好几次竞选此职但从未被当选。
- He is to stand for York at the next election. 他将在下届选举中做约克郡选区的候选人。
- He declared his intention to run for office. 他宣布了自己参加竞选的想法。
- He won't stand for and funny business here. 他不准有任何不道德的事在这里发生。
- I don't have to stand for such rude behavior. 我不要忍受如此粗鲁的行为。
- I won't stand for his insults any longer. 我再不能容忍他的污辱了。
- The president is going to stand for reelection. 这位总统准备参加竞选连任。
- Followed his sister's lead in running for office. 步他姐姐的后尘竞选这一公职
- I won't stand for this insolence. 我决不容忍这种傲慢无礼的行为。
- He will stand for reelection in his own district. 他将在自己的选区竞选连任。
- What do the letters UN stand for? 字母UN代表什么?
- I won't stand for his unreasonable demands any longer. 我再也不会容忍他的无理要求了。
- We have openings for office staff. 我们还缺办公室职员。
- I condemn fascism and all it stands for. 我谴责法西斯主义及其代表的一切。
- The go rate for office be 10 per square foot. 办公室现价为每平方英尺。