- stale date range 失效日期范围
- Please select the date range and options you'd like to view. 请选择你要查询的历史时间。
- Your date range spans more than 366 days. Please enter a new range. 日期范围跨越的时间超过了366天。请输入新的范围。
- Shows overall report execution statistics for a specified date range. 显示指定日期范围内总的报表执行统计信息。
- To see the date range in the digital signature, click View Certificate. 若要查看数字签名中的日期范围,请单击“查看证书”。
- The event is also not raised if you set a date range programmatically. 如果以编程方式设置日期范围,则同样不引发该事件。
- This parameter specifies the start date of the date range for the report. 此参数指定报告的日期范围的开始日期。
- You can then use the Calendar or the Timeline to select a new date range. 然后,您可以使用日历或时间选择一个新的日期范围。
- Locate objects that are created or modified on a specific date or in a date range. 查找在特定日期或某一日期范围内创建或修改的对象。
- Shows summary report execution information for a specific report within a specified date range. 显示指定日期范围内特定报表的报表执行摘要信息。
- A summary of the calendar name, date range, and detail level appears next to More Options. 日历名称、日期范围和详细程度的摘要会显示在“其他选项”的旁边。
- However, what happens if the fact tables start to accumulate data outside that date range? 如果事实数据表开始累积该日期范围以外的数据则会发生什么?
- You can enter a search term and select a date range, search all items in a specific folder, or search all folders. 可以输入搜索条件并选择日期范围,搜索特定文件夹中的所有项,或搜索所有文件夹。
- If you run Migration Wizard in clone mode, you cannot filter data by date range or by a specific subject. 如果以克隆模式运行迁移向导,则无法按日期范围或特定主题筛选数据。
- The table shows only values that fall within the date range defined by StartDate and EndDate and that fall on a Sunday. 该表将仅显示由StartDate和EndDate定义的日期范围中的值,以及有关Sunday的值。
- To change your date range, click the arrow next to the active date range displayed at the upper right of all reports. 若要变更您的日期范围,请按旁边的箭头有效日期范围内显示在右上角的所有报告。
- If you were born during 1 to 12 date range in Virgo, 2009 would be year of results. 如果你是出生在1日至12日期范围的处女座,2009年将是代表出现结果的一年。
- I've no wish to be fobbed off wish one of those stale loaf. 我可不愿上当受骗去买不新鲜的面包。
- They had nothing to eat but stale bread. 除了陈面包外,他们没有别的东西可吃。
- The horse has gone stale from too much running. 那匹马因跑得太多而疲惫了。