- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- The floor was stacked up with books. 地板上堆满了书。
- The girl stacked the blocks with deliberation. 这个女孩从容地把砖堆砌起来。
- He only put a bit on his plate to make fashion. 他只是拨了一点食物到盘子里做做样子。
- The boxes are stacked in a warehouse. 这些箱子被堆放在一个仓库里。
- The room was stacked with old books and magazines. 房间里堆满了旧书和旧杂志。
- The rejects were stacked in a corner. 废品堆在角落里。
- The whole garden was stacked with bricks. 园子里堆满了砖。
- The number shall be cut in on a plate. 号码将雕刻在一块金属板上。
- PLC is applied to control the stowing layers, stacking plates supplying and discharging. 采用PLC可编程序对纸箱的排序堆垛层数、栈板供应及排出均可进行控制。
- I hid the broken plate behind the table. 我把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌后面了。
- That boat is done with the steel plate. 那艘船是用钢板做的。
- This glass plate is very fragile. 这个玻璃盘子很容易碎。
- He's eaten a whole plate of french fries. 他把一盘油炸土豆条全吃完了。
- The hot plate may spoil the varnish on the table. 这只热盘子会损坏桌面的光泽。
- He placed his books in a neat stack. 他把书整整齐齐放成一堆。
- Kate and Ashley are packing things into boxes. Kate takes a goblet and wraps it in paper, then places it into a box. Ashley is stacking plates into another box. 凯特和亚瑟利正将物品包扎放到箱子里面。凯特拿着一个高脚杯用纸包好然后放到箱子摆放好。亚瑟利正将盘子堆放到另外一个箱子。
- You will find a little stack of candles in reserve. 你会发现一小堆备用蜡烛。
- The grain has gone mouldy in the stack. 垛里的谷子发霉了。
- They emptied the biscuits onto the plate. 他们把饼干倒在盘子里。