- sprouting of lateral buds 侧芽萌发
- Also unlike auxin, cytokinins promote the growth of lateral buds, not shoot tips. 同样不同于生长激素,细胞分裂素促进侧芽的生长,而不是顶芽的生长。
- Apical dominance.The phenomenon in which the presence of a growing apical bud on a plant inhibits the growth of lateral buds. 顶端优势:在植物中顶端芽的生长可以抑制侧芽生长的现象。
- He is satisfied to see the sprouting of the crops. 看着农田的庄稼露苗,他欣慰极了。
- Axillary or lateral buds develop in the leaf axils. 腋芽或侧芽是生在枝的侧面叶腋内的芽。
- apical dominance:The inhibitory influence on the growth of lateral buds exerted by the terminal bud of a growing plant shoot. 顶端优势:生长植物顶芽对侧芽生长的抑制现象
- Besides, the removal of old roots and the sprouting of buds boost the growth of bamboos. 竹子去旧根,发新芽,对竹子的生长又有促进作用。
- The organogenesis of lateral organs is determined by shoot apex. 植物苗顶端是地上部分各器官形成的基础。
- Take it on the distal side of lateral incisors when necessary. 如果有必要,放在侧切牙的远中面上。
- Sepals oblong or ovate, erect, base of lateral pair not saccate. 萼片长圆形或卵形,直立,侧的对的基部不囊状。
- The optimum medium for inducing sprout of axillary buds is WPM+2.0mg/LBA, which is concluded by L16(4~4) orthogonal experiment. 通过L9(3~3)正交实验推出愈伤组织诱导芽的分化以WPM+3.;0mg/LBA+0
- Also, the growth regulator 6-BA has very distinct effects on the sprout of accessory bud, some of them can become flowers. 生长调节剂 6 -BA促发副梢的效果非常显著 ,并具有成花的作用 ;
- These in turn lose their dominance and lateral buds take over their role.Compare monopodial. 依次类推,各级主枝干丢失其生长优势而其地位由侧枝代替形成的树冠形状。
- Racemes pendulous, glabrous, arising from leafless lateral buds of 2- or 3-year-old branchlets. 总状花序下垂,无毛,生于2-或3年老枝无叶侧芽。
- Sprouting of V. spinulosa turion was not affected by heavy metal in sediment. 沉积污染环境中,刺苦草鳞茎的萌发未受到重金属的影响。
- Conclusion: NGF may stimulate the collateral sprouting of spinal dorsal root. 结论: 神经生长因子对脊髓背根侧支出芽有促进作用。
- Axil The angle between the upper side of a leaf or branch and the shoot bearing it. Leaf axils are the site of lateral (axillary) buds. 腋:植物叶、枝条或者是芽侧面夹角的位置。腋芽就是生在枝的侧面叶腋内的芽。
- Sympodial Describing the system of branching in plants in which the terminal bud of the main stem axis stops growing and growth is taken over by lateral buds. 合轴的:描述植物的一种分枝情况,主杆的顶芽停止生长而由两侧的侧芽代替生长。
- Sepals oblong, erect, base of lateral pair not saccate. 萼片长圆形,直立,侧的对的基部不囊状。