- spreader for short draft 短绵延展机
- My name is Alexander, "Al" for short. 我叫亚历山大,简称艾尔。,我的名字叫亚历山大,简称“亚尔”。
- He's only away for short periods a week at the longest. 他只是短期外出--至多一周。
- When did the fashion for short skirts come in? 什么时候时兴穿短裙的?
- The boy's name is Philip,or "Phil" for short. 这个男孩的名字叫菲利浦,或简称为“菲尔”。
- The boy's name was Humperdink,or "Dink" for short. 那个男孩名叫汉普丁克,或者爱称为“丁克”。
- What is you go to do with claim for short weight? 关于我们提出的短重索赔一事,你方准备如何处理?
- Don't use the car for short journeys. 短途旅行就别开车。
- Her name is 'Frances', or 'Fran' for short. 她叫‘弗朗西丝’或简称‘弗朗’.
- Plan for short term IT business of CFMA Mazda Div. 建立长安福特马自达销售公司马自达事业部短期的IT业务。
- My name is Alexander,"Al" for short. 我叫亚历山大,简称艾尔。
- The boy's name is Philip, or " Phil" for short. 这个男孩的名字叫菲利浦,或简称为“菲尔”。
- I turned down some invitations for short visits. 我回绝了一些短期作客的邀请。
- The teacher told us to write the text for short. 老师让我们缩写课文。
- In England, people usually call me Jim for short. 在英国,人们通常简称我为吉姆。
- He is called...fred, or Alf for short. 人们称他艾尔弗雷德,或者简称为阿尔夫。
- Drag or slide cylinders, even for short distances. 拉拽或滑动钢瓶,即使是很短的距离。
- He is called Alfred, or Alf for short. 人们称他艾尔弗雷德,或者简称为阿尔夫。
- The purpose of this study is to develop a red fire ant pesticide spreader for ridge application to eliminate the damage of red imported fire ant(RIFA) on the bank. 本研究目的在于控制红火蚁于田埂上的危害,因此欲以某牌跑道画线器为雏型,设计出可以有效防治红火蚁在田埂使用之饵剂撒布机。
- The United Nations is called UN for short. 联合国简称un。