- spread oneself to entertain sb 过分殷勤地款待某人
- He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us. 他剪下一串葡萄招待我们。
- They spread themselves to entertain the visitors. 他们大肆铺张招待来访客人。
- One should adapt oneself to the changed conditions. 我们应当使自己适应变化了的情况。
- I like to entertain friends with music and refreshments at home. 我喜欢在家里用音乐和茶点招待朋友。
- People stays on blacktop, spread oneself. 人们蹲在柏油路上,伸展四肢。
- The host took out a bottle of 12-year-old malt whisky to entertain us. 男主人拿出了一瓶12年的优质麦芽威士忌来招待我们。
- It is illegal to maim oneself to escape duty. 为逃避责任而自残是违法的。
- They laid themselves out to entertain us. 他们为了款待我们煞费苦心。
- It is difficult to apply oneself to a boring task. 致力于厌烦的工作是非常困难的。
- I shall be delighted to entertain you. 我将乐于给你们助兴。
- It is not wasy to adapt oneself to new conditions. 很难使一个人适应新环境。
- Emma will be happy to entertain you. 爱玛会很高兴招待你的。
- Disport oneself to one's heart's content. 玩个痛快什么也不会使他满足。
- It was futile to entertain such a question. 考虑这样一个问题是没有用的。
- Accommodate oneself to changed circumstances. 使自己适应改变了的形势。
- No resign oneself to being defeated. 不甘心于失败。
- Devote oneself to the education career. 献身教育事业
- She had to entertain some boring local bigwigs. 她不得不款待当地一些无聊的大人物。
- Oneself to two or three cigarettes a day. 戒烟的第一步,是限制自己每天只吸两到三支烟。