- Electroplate, electrophoresis , spraying paint , gushing out and moulding the indispensable equipment in the trade. 是电镀、电泳、喷漆、喷塑行业中不可缺少的设备。
- Frame: channel steel welded with environmental powder spraying paint surface. For grma yellow color..... 机架:槽钢与钢板焊接而成.;表面油漆环保喷粉处理
- Writing signature with marker or spray paint. 有作记号的人或水沫油漆的写作签名。
- A writer's signature with marker or spray paint. 有作记号的人或水沫油漆的一个作者的签字。
- It is aimes at spraying paint process's labor intensity greatly.Productivity is lower,and the quality is not easily guarantied and it does harm to the human body. 针对喷漆工作劳动强度大、生产率低、质量不易保证,且对人体有毒害作用等缺点。
- The spray paint leaves its mark everywhere in the big city. 这个大城市里到处都有喷漆留下的印记。
- We could use sugar cubes and then spray paint them gold. 我们可以使用方糖建造,然后在上面喷上金色的涂料。
- The youths used spray paint to deface buildings during the riots. 这些年轻人在暴乱期间用喷漆污损了建筑物的外观。
- From spray paint inspiratory and overmuch can leukaemia? 自喷漆吸入过多会不会的白血病?
- He sprayed paint on the wall. 他把漆喷在墙上。
- Joshua tagged the wall under the bridge with some blue and green spray paint. 约书亚在桥下的墙壁上用蓝色和绿色的喷漆涂鸦。
- Then, add a Layer Mask to the splatters layer to hide any excess spray paint. 然后给喷溅笔刷层添加一个涂层蒙板样就可以隐藏其他的多余部分。
- Ruike Spray Painting Measuring Technology Co., Ltd. 斌联金属加工厂瑞科喷涂测控技术有限公司。
- Xiangyun Static Spray Painting Equip. Co. 祥云静电喷涂设备厂。
- Spray painting is a faster way to get the paint on the wall. 喷漆是一种更为迅速的漆墙方式。
- He was working in the garage spray painting his car. 他在车库里忙着给他的汽车喷漆。
- And in San Diego, protesters smashed sorghum and sprayed paint over greenhouse walls. 在加州圣地牙哥,抗议人士破坏了高粱作物,并且在温室的墙上喷漆示威。
- Jack went to the car accessories shop on the way back that afternoon and bought a can of red spray paint. 那天下午在回来的路上,杰克去了汽车配件商店,买了一罐红色的喷漆。
- The paint is sold in powdered form. 该油漆以粉制品形式出售。