- He injected new life and efficiency into sports administration. 他给体育管理注入了新活力与效率。
- He rose up through the ranks of sports administration as China rejoined federations, usually as they ejected Taiwan. 随着中国逐一重返各大体育机构,何振梁也在中国体育部门中逐级高升。
- Starting this year,the Beijing Municipal Sports Administration will begin to organize its contingent of athletes to participate in the 2008 Olympic Games. 从2003年起,北京市体育管理部着手组建2008年奥运会参赛队伍。
- Starting this year, the Beijing Municipal Sports Administration will begin to organize its contingent of athletes to participate in the 2008 Olympic Games. 从2003年起,着手组建2008年奥运会参赛队伍。
- The intermediate Xingyi Quan Competition Routine is examined and approved by the Chinese Sports Administration,Chinese Wushu Reach Institute and Chinese Wushu Management Center. 中级形意拳竞赛规定套路是国家体育总局,中国武术运动管理中心,中国武术研究院审定套路之一。
- All district and county governments and the functional departments of the municipal sports administration should formulate supplementary plans for the implementation of the municipal plan to ensure the fulfillment of all tasks. 各区县政府和市体育局各职能部门制定配套规划并组织落实,确保各项工作任务的完成。
- Sports Administrators run clubs and sporting associations. 体育管理管理俱乐部和体育协会。
- The State promotes reform in the sports administration system. The State encourages enterprises, institutions, public organizations and citizens to run and support undertakings of physical culture and sports. 国家推进体育管理体制改革。国家鼓励企业事业组织、社会团体和公民兴办和支持体育事业。
- Although China is determined to top the medal tables at the Beijing Games next month, its sports administration has taken the draconian decision to drop 22 gold-medal winning athletes. 尽管中国决心在下个月的北京奥运会上领跑金牌榜,他们的体育管理机构仍然残忍地决定,将22位赢得过奥运金牌的运动员排除在外。
- Cai Mingyuan,director general of the Shenzhen Municipal Sports Administration, is confident that it will be a very successful sports gala if Shenzhen wins the bid to host the Universiade 2011. 他表示深圳对成功举办有“小奥运”美誉的世界大学生运动会信心十足。“年轻的城市期待年轻人的盛会”。
- A soft-spoken diplomat, he has charmed senior IOC officials and even sport administrators in Taiwan -- China's archrival. 作为一名谈吐温和的外交家,他的魅力征服了IOC高级官员甚至台湾的体育官员。
- B: I think he has some advantages, for instance, he used to be an athlete, coach and now he is a sports administrative official. 我想他是具备一些有利条件的,比如他曾经当过运动员,教练员,现在又是体育行政官员。
- There also exist the phenomena of inadequate support form the sports administrative and the distemperedness of sports management rule and law. 另外还存在体育行政部门支持不够和社区体育管理法规不健全等现象。
- Select and send Beijing's coaches,sports administrators,sports scientists and sports competition organizers and mangers to other countries for advanced training. 选派北京教练员、体育行政管理人员、体育科技人员、体育竞赛组织管理人员出国培训。
- Men used to bait bulls and bears for sport. 从前人们常逗弄牛和熊取乐。
- Our team swept the board in the sports games. 我们代表队在运动会中大获全胜。
- Volleyball is a sport of which I am very fond. 排球是我很喜欢的运动。
- Select and send Beijing's coaches, sports administrators, sports scientists and sports competition organizers and mangers to other countries for advanced training. 选派北京教练员、体育行政管理人员、体育科技人员、体育竞赛组织管理人员出国培训。
- This sport jacket will match those pants nicely. 这件运动衫和那条短裤很相配。
- Aerobatics is a dangerous sport. 特技飞行是危险的运动。