- The events of that evening speak for themselves. 那天晚上发生的事情不用说也很清楚。
- Such amiable qualities must speak for themselves. 这些可爱的地方必然会引起人家的好感。
- The sales figures speak for themselves; what a successful year this has been. 销售额已足以说明问题; 今年我们是多么成功。
- I think my actions should speak for themselves. 我想我的行为应该已向他们表明。
- Let the facts and logic speak for themselves. 他们靠客观的态度、令人信服的事实和严谨的推理来征服读者。
- We shall let facts speak for themselves. 我们要用事实证明这个“不变”。
- These figures speak for themselves. 这些数字来说话。
- Let the facts speak for themselves. 还是让事实说话吧。
- If the laws can speak for themselves, they will complain of the lawyer in the first place. 假使法律能够为自己说话,他们将会首先埋怨律师的吧。
- The facts of yesterday and today speak for themselves. 昨天和今天的情况已说明了事实的真相。
- Our sales are growing, the numbers can speak for themselves. 我们的销售在增长,看数字就知道了。
- Such a variety of food and the reasonable prices speak for themselves. 吃的东西品种这样多,价钱这样公道,这本身就说明问题。
- McCrory said the study yielded statistics that speak for themselves. 麦克罗里表明这项研究的统计数据不用解释就能明了。
- The Harbor Freight SkyRunner kit is simple to hack. I think the pictures speak for themselves. 下面的图片能更好的说明问题。
- Modest by nature, she was no braggart, preferring to let her accomplishments speak for themselves. 她天性谦虚,从不自吹,喜欢以自己的成就来表明一切。
- It pointed to the documents prepared by the International Bureau, which spoke for themselves. 它指出由国际局准备的文件表达了它的看法。
- Our approach here is the same: to let the facts speak for themselves; to let the progress of reform convince the skeptics. 处理的办法也一样,就是拿事实来说话,让改革的实际进展去说服他们。
- If the laws can speak for themselves,they would complain of the lawyer in the first place. 假使法律能够为自己说话,他们将会首先埋怨律师的吧。
- Second, try to be a sympathetic yet detached outsider andlet facts speak for themselves. 其次,尽量让研究对象说话,自己既做局外人也做同情者,保证程序上的客观性。
- Mr. Likhotal says there is no doubt that such a treaty is needed. He says the statistics speak for themselves. 利霍塔尔说,不容置疑,这样一个协议是必需的。他说,统计数字说明了一切。