- spleen controlling muscles 脾主肌肉, 脾主肉
- spleen controlling postnatal growth 脾主后天
- Smart Collision, Self Collision, and Multi-Collision give you options for controlling muscle and skin shapes when collisions occur. 智能碰撞、自碰撞和多重碰撞在发生碰撞时给予你控制肌肉和皮肤的形状的选项。
- I have to vent my spleen on someone. 我非得找个人出出气。
- Our results clearly showed an increased uptake of HRP present in denervated muscle, tenotomized muscle and tenotomized muscle of synergistic muscle as compared with respective control muscle. 结果表明,在切断神经或切健后引起萎缩的肌肉侧或在协同肌切腿后引起代偿性肥大的肌肉侧,与它们各自对照的正常肌肉侧相比,都可发生对HRP胞纳的明显增加。
- I waited for him to get the rest of the spleen out of his system. 我等着他把心头的余努全部发泄出来。
- Industry rarely thrives under government control. 在政府控制之下工业很少会发达。
- Those rebellious teenagers are hard to control. 那些反叛的青少年很难管教。
- Pollution control has cleared the air. 污染管制已净化了空气。
- Some men give their blood to their country; others their spleen. 既有人为国捐躯,亦有人捐坏脾气(怀恨)。
- An ASCII control character, end of medium. 一种ASCII码控制字符,媒体结束符。
- The firemen were unable to control the blaze. 消防队员无法控制这场大火。
- Signals control each section of the railway track. 各种信号控制着铁路轨道的每个部分。
- Inflation has got out of control. 通货膨胀失去了控制。
- The lorry ran down the hill out of control. 卡车失去控制直往山下冲去。
- He has a controlling interest in the company. 他在该公司中有控制权益。
- When I get frustrated and angry, I have to vent my spleen on someone. 我受尽挫折,怒火冲天时,禁不住想找谁发一顿脾气。
- The model plane got out of control and crashed. 模型飞机失控坠落下来。
- Sebum control muscle balance massage jelly 油控衡肌按摩着哩
- He has little control over his emotions. 他控制不住自己的感情。