- Loong is a spiritual tie linking the Chinese people all over the world. 龙是连接全世界华人的精神纽带。
- However, they have deep spiritual ties to the moon, and they revere the mighty moon-spirit Luna as one of their greatest totems. 然而,他们与月亮有很深的精神联系,他们尊敬强大的月之精灵露娜,把露娜作为他们最强大的图腾之一。
- Culture is the soul of the race and the spiritual ties, which support the unity of the state and the national unification. 文化是民族的灵魂,是维系国家统一和民族团结的精神纽带。
- The trees between houses are a sort of spiritual tie which links up the nature and the dwelling places and simultaneously incites our wish to return to and live in the nature. 户与户之间的树木,连接着自然和居所之间的精神纽带,唤起了人们真正回归自然,居住自然的渴望。
- As a neo-humanist, Liang Shiqiu did not receive direct influence of Marcus Aurelius; however, from ethical angel, he did have spiritual tie with Aurelius surpassing the time and special limits. 梁实秋作为一个新人文主义者,虽然未直接受奥勒留的影响,但从伦理道德这一视角看,梁实秋与奥勒留又存在跨越时空的精神纽带。
- As the sacred synod searches into the mystery of the Church, it remembers the bond that spiritually ties the people of the New Covenant to Abraham's stock. 本届神圣会议,探讨教会奥迹时,忆记新约的子民同亚巴郎后裔在精神方所有的联系。
- I need a piece of string to tie this parcel up. 我需要一根细绳把这包裹扎起来。
- Cultural Connotation of Dragon Dancing and Spiritual Tie of the Chinese Nation 舞龙运动的文化内涵与中华民族的精神纽带
- They want to loosen their ties with Britain. 他们想要削弱同英国的关系。
- They seem to exist on a different spiritual plane. 他们似乎生活在不同的精神境界。
- The half- baked sermon cause spiritual indigestion. 半生不熟的说教会引起精神上的消化不良。
- I bought a tie pin for my husband yesterday. 昨天我给丈夫买了一支领带别针。
- Gather them and tie them in a knot. 把它们收集起来打成一个结。
- He maintained close ties with the masses. 他和群众保持着密切的联系。
- I want a tie that will match with this suit. 我想要一条能和这套西装相配的领带。
- A priest who is one's spiritual mentor. 神父作为某人精神导师的神父
- I loosened my tie, but I didn't take it off. 我松开了领带,但是没有把它解下来。
- Does this sash tie in front or at the back? 这腰带是在前面打结还是在後面?
- Is it dinner jacket or white tie? 那是便装还是礼服?
- Many young people could not resist the spiritual pollution. 很多年轻人不能抵制精神污染。