- That theme is personal spiritual development. 那主题就是个人灵性的发展。
- I began not to worry about my spiritual development anymore, although my parents kept telling me how important it was. 我开始不再关心自己的灵修,尽管我父母一直劝我它是多么的重要。
- When Man has reached a certain degree of mental and spiritual development, new faculties awaken in him. 当“人”已经达到心智和灵性发展的某个程度,在他之内新的能力会被唤醒。
- The appearance of sex in Xu’s work reconnects sex with social living, spiritual development and moral change, etc. 性其实不仅仅是欢娱和生殖的图谱,性关涉到层面远远超出了我们的认识。
- It refers to the holy order of monks who have renounced their worldly life for their spiritual development. 它是指放弃世俗家累而致力心智开展的出家修行人,他们所组成的神圣团体。
- After receiving their gifts, many visitors immediately read their fliers, showing a positive attitude toward spiritual development. 许多来宾在收到这些小礼物后,就立即仔细地阅读起传单的内容来,人们对灵性方面显露出积极的态度。
- In daily devout existence, the positive eulogy of bhajan songs guides us on the path of true love, in an never-ending spiritual development. 更是敬谢感恩大德尊者萨帝雅世爸爸;在神圣的生命中;巴望的经赞里;引导我们在真爱的路上不断成长.
- With vividly realistic depiction, Bellow graphically demonstrated Leventhals spiritual development and revelaed his thematic concem in this novel. 作者运用具体生动的现实描写向读者展示了主人公精神世界的变化与成长,阐明了自己的思想命题。
- Christianism stick to the viewpoint that woman is related with flesh ,and is an obstacle for man’s pursuing spiritual development. 典雅爱情是中世纪文学中的一个重要主题,它是11世纪以来伴随西欧骑士制度而兴起的一种爱情方式。
- On the evening of the lecture wave after wave of people arrived and packed the spacious venue, evidencing the great interest of the people of Moscow in spiritual development. 讲经当晚,一批批的人潮涌入会场,偌大的会场几乎座无虚席,显示俄罗斯民众对灵性发展有高度的兴趣。
- In the text above, we see Buddha chiding a dullard, who is obsessed with his natty appearance, when he should be paying attention to his mental and spiritual development. 苏学士心想道:'我和庐山归宗寺庙佛印禅师时常斗机锋,屡次输与他,禅师还说我只在语言文字上下功夫,不真实修行,这次我倒要看他怎么说!"
- Those ones who are interested and complies with conditions, can connect with them through a thought, they transmit him information for his spiritual development. 那些感兴趣的和遵守条件的任何人,能通过一个思想与他们联系,他们为他的灵性进化向他传输信息。
- TRACS encourages each affiliated institution to develop its own distinctives, while providing quality postsecondary education within the context of spiritual development. TRACS鼓励所有的会员单位发展其本身的特点,并看重在灵性发展的背景下,提供一个有品质的高等教育。
- The process embodies the logic consistence of philosophical development and human spiritual development and it is the reflection of the unification of history and logic. 这条主线体现了哲学的发展与人类精神的发展具有内在的逻辑一致性,是历史与逻辑相统一的精神表现。
- I am not afraid of being thought a sentimentalist when I say that I believe natural beauty has a necessary place in the spiritual development of any individual or any society. 当我说我相信大自然的美对个人或社会精神的发展佔有必要的地位时,我并不怕被认为是多愁善感的人。
- The aim of Cub Scout Section is to encourage the physical, mental and spiritual development of children of Cub Scout age, as an integral part of an overall plan of continuous training throughout the age ranges of the Movement. 旨在促进幼童军年龄之少年身心及精神之陶冶与启发,乃贯彻整个童军运动年限的连续性训练计划的一部份。
- Rule of development: When a higher spiritual being helps a lower spiritual being in its spiritual development, it helps also itself, because it improves its spiritual and vibration level. 进化法则:当一个更高的灵性存在用它的灵性进化帮助一个较低的灵性存在,同样它帮助它自己,因为它提高它的灵性和振动水平。
- Therefore, from time to time, the Plant invites well-known personalities and professionals to deliver lectures to its staff members in hopes of promoting their intellectual and spiritual development. 所以厂方常不定期安排知名人士或专业人士到厂专题演讲,充实员工的心灵,并提升其专业知识的涵养。
- We believe that by continually raising the quality of education, the Republic of China will become a fully modern nation with a proper balance of material and spiritual development. 相信藉由教育品质的不断提升,我们定能成为在精神文明与物质文明之间取得均衡发展的现代化国家。
- This Chinese web page of Mysticweb offers free online course on various proven techniques for Astral Travel to gain mystical and esoteric information for self-knowledge and spiritual development. 这个知者运动之中文网页,提供免费网上课程,教导关于遨游太虚世界之各种实践技术,去获得有关自我求知及灵性发展之神秘及灵性的喻索道理。