- Near Umbra): The spirit world surrounding the Gaia Realm. 近影界:在盖亚区域外围所环绕的精神世界。
- The spirit world is always around you, listening and attentive. 灵界会一直地围绕你、倾听你及注意你。
- Werewolves who explore the spirit world gain insights into the physical world. 探索灵魂世界的狼人会对现实世界有更深的洞察。
- In any church a true leader must be able to mobilize the spirit world. 在任何教会,真正的指导者必需能动员灵界。
- Most werewolves believe that everything of consequence in the physical world has a reflection in the spirit world. 大多数狼人相信现实世界的一切是灵界的映射。
- Mystics speak of a spirit world that the vast majority of humans never encounter. 神秘学家说到的灵界是绝大多数人类从没有见识过的。
- All our winters, the 70 or 80 winters that we pass here on earth, are as a speck in time compared to the eternity spent in the spirit world. 我们在这世上所过的七八十载春秋与灵界相比,不过是短短一刹那。
- Lu Ling is a spirit explorer shouldering the task of exploring people's spirit world. 路翎以开掘人物灵魂为己任,是一个人类灵魂的探索者。
- CONJURING PHILIP tells the tale of researchers who experiment in communication with the spirit world. 召唤的菲利普讲在与精神世界的通信试验研究员的传说。
- He is even mobilizing the many spiritual beings in the spirit world to carry out the mission. 耶稣甚至动员了许多在灵界的灵人一起来推动这项使命。
- In Shamanic belief,the land is imbued with magical properties, which aid communication with the spirit world. 在萨满教义中,这片土地被赋予了魔法般的特性,使它能帮助精神世界的交流。
- Unfortunately for a young girl, her visions from the spirit world result in her banishment to the asylum. 对于一个女孩来说是不幸的,她预见到的景象来自意念世界,这使她被遣送到精神病院。
- It is because we regard the earth as sacred, said Floyd Red Crow Westerman said before his passing to the Spirit World. 这是因为我们认为,地球是神圣的,说: 弗洛伊德红乌鸦韦斯特曼说,在他的精神传递世界。
- Though a deep believer in mysticism and the spirit world, secularism never offended him. 尽管是神秘主义和精神世界的忠实信徒,政教分离主义也从未冒犯过他。
- Their role in society was to communicate with the spirit world to find solutions to problems facing their people. 他们在社会上的角色就是要跟神灵世界沟通,为人们面临的困难寻求解决之道。
- Be Still Once More by Reflection and Neogenesis: Reconstruction My Spirit World. 反省以及重生:重构我的精神世界。
- All our winters,the 70 or 80 winters that we pass here on earth,are as a speck in time compared to the eternity spent in the spirit world. 我们在这世上所过的七八十载春秋与灵界相比,不过是短短一刹那。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。
- This vision contains a tremendous amount of symbolism; the same kind of symbolism one would see in a dream, a vision of the spirit world. 这次异像包含了大量的象征符号;这与一个人做梦时遇到的符号没有什么不同,它们都是灵魂世界的显现。