- spiral loop of colon 结肠袢
- The myoelectric activities of cecum and proxmal loop of colon are short cycles of migrating myoelectric complex. 盲肠和结肠初袢的电活动,均为短周期移行性综合肌电。
- The loop of string makes a handle for the parcel. 细绳结的环做成包裹的拎襻。
- She put a loop of rope around the cow's neck. 她把绳子圈套到奶牛的脖子上。
- The loop of wire was still around his right fist. 他右手腕上仍然挽着那圈电线。
- Snow's mother died of colon cancer in her 30s. 斯诺的母亲30岁的时候死于癌症。
- Carry the parcel by this loop of string. 以这个带子的环来拎著皮包。
- He tied a loop of rope around his arm. 他在手臂上用绳子系了一个圈。
- The girl made a loop of a string. 那个女孩用一条线做成了一个圈。
- But even lean red meat seems to increase the risk of colon cancer. 但即使是无脂肪的瘦肉也似乎会增加结肠癌的罹患率。
- The incidence rate of colon cancer keeps ascendant these years. 大肠癌的发病率近来有上升的趋势。
- Function is the inner loop of the Python interpreter. 函数是Python解释器的内循环。
- A heat transfer fluid used in the sealed closed loop of the GSHP. 用于地源热泵封闭回路的传热液。
- In optical character recognition, a combination of peaks and smudges that may close or partially close a loop of a character thus making it unreadable. 在光学字符识别(OCR)中,亮点和黑点的一种组合,可能封闭或部分封闭字符的环形部分,因此使其无法读出。
- Fecal impaction is a common condition, which may lead to dilatation of bowel loop and perforation of colon in rare cases. 摘要粪石箝塞是一种常见的疾病,但在极少数病患身上却可能导致肠道阻塞扩大,甚至穿孔。
- There was different NMPs in different types of colon carcinoma. 在不同类型大肠癌中,核基质蛋白表达也具有差异。
- A loop of bowel (the colon in colostomy and the ileum in ileostomy) is cut and the end brought through to the abdominal surface. 暂时性结肠造口术与迴肠造口术一般进行如下:将一段肠襻提近腹壁,将肠切断,使两端开口均通向体外。
- Such occurs with the patient of colonic carcinoma. 此情况见于结肠癌病人。
- In recording, a sealed continuous loop of magnetic cassette tape. 在磁记录技术中,一种密封式连续循环的盒式磁带。
- He has got three spiral loops on his left hand, which are on his thumb, forefinger and middle finger. 他的左手上有三个箕斗,拇指、中指、食指上各有一个。