- He broke his spine in a fall from a horse. 他从马上跌下摔断了脊梁骨。
- In group discussions, John is always quick on the trigger. 在小组讨论会上,约翰总是反应敏捷,争先发言。
- Do you teach your students singly or in groups? 你教学生是个别地教还是按组教?
- T: Now, open your books and read the text in group. 学生在组内读课文。
- No PR in group BSC and SD 5/25(20.8%). BSC组24例中;5例(20.;8%25)SD;无CR和PR者。
- They leave in group only residences. 他们离群独居。
- Warning: skipping non-radio button in group. 有非单选按钮的控件在组中,编译器帮你忽略掉。
- The discussion in group followed the report. 报告完了之后将是分组讨论。
- The medicine were given at 7am in group B and C. C组 :BE1 0mg ,均在上午 7时服用。
- An abnormal forward curvature of the spine in the lumbar region. 脊柱前凸腰部脊柱不正常的向前弯曲
- In group 5, VECs growth was the same as group 1. 而组5VEC增殖受到抑制,仅处组1水平。
- In group A,two vena comitans were anastomosed. 测量三组兔胫后血管外径。
- spine in group 群生棘
- Those clouds presage a storm.He broke his spine in a fall from a horse. 他从马上跌下摔断了脊梁骨。
- In group therapy, patients can act out their problems. 在小组疗法过程中,患者可以在不知不觉中表露出他们的问题指受压抑的情绪。
- In group discussions,John is always quick on the trigger. 在小组讨论会上,约翰总是反应敏捷,争先发言。
- Please read the dialogue in groups. 请一组一组的朗读对话。
- In group therapy,patients can act out their problems. 在小组疗法过程中,患者可以在不知不觉中表露出他们的问题。
- Do you exhibit strong leadership skills in group activities? 你是否在集体活动中表现出很强的领导能力。
- They give discount to visitors in groups. 他们对团体来宾打折扣。