- spica nardi [医] 印度甘松香
- Nardi originally designed the store in 1984. 慧最初设计商店于1984年。
- Spica radiates blue-white, whereas Saturn shines with a golden hue. 角宿一散发蓝白的星光,而土星散发金黄的暖色。
- The bright star near the moon tonight is Spica in the constellation Virgo. 今晚,在月亮旁边的那颗明亮的星星是处女座的角宿一。
- Look to the east (or left) of the moon to find Spica, Virgo's brightest star. 我们的星象图显示出那个时间的峨眉盈月和土星。
- Spica sets beneath the west-southwest horizon by mid to late evening. 在午夜之前,角宿二会下降到西南方的地平线以下。
- Can you see that the moon is farther from Spica tonight than it was last night? 你能看到今晚的月亮比昨晚离角宿一更远了吗?
- Saturn and Spica are nearly the same brightness but exhibit different colors. 土星和角宿一亮度大致相当,但两者焕发不同的星光。
- Has the dandelion, the lavandula spica, the carnation, the rose and so on. 有蒲公英,熏衣草,康乃馨,玫瑰等。
- Nardi is a WoW fan who has already done lots of cultural research on a game that has 10 million players worldwide. 纳尔迪是魔兽世界玩家,已经对这款全球拥有千万玩家的游戏进行过许多文化方面的研究。
- Refined and streamlined over the last year by Rob and Peter Nardi, this fabulous utility item is now ready to be unleashed to the magic community. 完善和简化超过去年抢劫和黄匡源李家慧,这精彩的公用事业项目,是现在已经准备好要发动,以魔术社会。
- The alias of Semen Leonuri is Spica Prunellae in records, and the withered Semen Leonuri after the summer solstice is also Herba Lagopsis. 凡记载茺蔚别名夏枯,或茺蔚夏至后即枯的均指夏至草。
- The 12 board members were all confirmed: Silvio Berlusconi president, Adriano Galliani vice-president and chief executive, Paolo Berlusconi and Gianni Nardi vice-presidents. 12位股东一致认同贝卢斯科尼为俱乐部主席,加里亚尼为俱乐部副主席兼首席执行官,保罗.;贝卢斯科尼和纳尔蒂为俱乐部副主席。”
- A process of several steps of Actions defines an activity, a long-term formation that takes place over time to transform the objects into outcomes (Nardi, 1996). 多步骤行动的过程定义一个行为,用一个长期的信息来代替一次转化对象到结果的情况。
- The curve stretches from the handle of the Dipper to Arcturus in Bootes all the way down to Spica in Virgo. 这条弧线由北斗的斗柄开始,沿著柄身的弧度,经过牧夫座的主星大角,最后到达室女座主星角宿一。
- Nardi "FreeDom" (NY, USA)I have been to Burma several times and I know the people I have talked to appreciate my going and communicating their concerns to the world. 他实际上是站在工业资产阶级立场上,把资本家追求利润的个人利益与生产发展、社会财富增加和社会进步看作是一致的。
- But that's not a totally fair comparison, because Spica is not just one star, but a spectroscopic binary. 但那并不是非常公正的比较,因为天门星不只是一颗星,而是可用分光镜看见的双体星。
- George Nardi, who owns a year-old cod farm off Sorrento, swaps his trainers for white knee-high rubber boots as we discuss the region's dwindling employment options. 纳迪乔治(GeorgeNardi),他在索伦托外拥有一个经营了一年的鳕鱼农场,当我们谈论这个地区变得越来越少的工作选择时,他用膝盖那么高的白色胶靴换下了他的教练机。
- It belongs to fresh Xin Xiangdai in the classification the lavandula spica fragrance and the amber is fragrant. 其在分类上属于清新的辛香带熏衣草香和琥珀香。
- If you can't detect this color contrast with the eye alone, try looking at Saturn and Spica with binoculars. 如果你只是用肉眼观察不出这种颜色的差别,那么就用双筒望远镜吧。