- With regard to tradesmen's speculative activities,it made use of publicly run shops and co-operatives to restrain them. 对于商人的投机行为,则利用公营商店及合作社的力量,加以压抑。
- With regard to tradesmen's speculative activities, it made use of publicly run shops and co-operatives to restrain them. 对于商人的投机行为,则利用公营商店及合作社的力量,加以压抑。
- I know that the Financial Secretary has just given a media briefing on the special measures we have taken today in the stock and futures markets to counter speculative activities. 刚才财政司司长会见了各位新闻界,简述政府今天在股票和期货市场采取了一些措施打击投机。
- The speculative activities against the Hong Kong dollar and the stock and futures markets have kept our interest rate high and also unstable. This will make the orderly adjustment very difficult. 港元、证券和期货市场出现的投机活动,造成利率高企和波动,妨碍了正常的调整。
- I have to point out that the Government has no intention to artificially support the stock market. The measures we have taken today directed specifically against the speculative activities under the present economic situation. 我在这里想指出,政府所作出的行动,并非意图托市,而是针对目前的市场炒卖活动而做的。
- But if we see speculative activities with clear linkage in the stock and futures markets on the one hand and the currency market on the other, we will continue to do what is necessary. 但当我们看到股票和期货市场的活动与货币市场的活动有很清楚的连锁关系,我们会做我们所应该做的事。
- When we entered the stock and futures markets some two weeks ago,we did it because there was strong evidence of linkage in the speculative activities between stock and futures markets on the one hand and the currency market on the other. 两个星期前,我们参与股票和期货市场的交易。我们这样做,是因为有充分证据显示,股票和期货市场的投机活动与货币市场的投机活动是相连的。
- But if we see speculative activities with clear linkage in the stock and futures markets on the one hand and the currency market on the other,we will continue to do what is necessary. 但当我们看到股票和期货市场的活动与货币市场的活动有很清楚的连锁关系,我们会做我们所应该做的事。
- We must realise that, with the economic fundamentals now clearly strong, as the economy continues in its robust recovery, the climate is not conducive to speculative activities against our currency. 本港的复苏动力持续强劲,经济基本因素已明显转强,这种市场气氛并不利于投机者进行冲击港元的活动,这一点大家必须明白。
- When we entered the stock and futures markets some two weeks ago, we did it because there was strong evidence of linkage in the speculative activities between stock and futures markets on the one hand and the currency market on the other. 两个星期前,我们叁与股票和期货市场的交易。我们这样做,是因为有充分证据显示,股票和期货市场的投机活动与货币市场的投机活动是相连的。
- Speculators play an important role in facilitating price discovery in a free market, although their speculative activities may sometimes cause market volatility. 投机者在自由市场的价格发现上扮演重要的角色,当然他们的投机炒卖活动也可能引起市场波动。
- The office has been humming with activity. 办公室一直忙着搞活动。
- Their speculative buying of grain is illegal. 他们投机购买谷物是不合法的。
- His conclusions are purely speculative. 他的结论完全是推测而来的。
- The threat of war has depressed business activity. 战争的威胁使经济萧条。
- There has been a lot of activity in the town today. 今天市中心相当热闹。
- The town was humming with activity. 该市镇生气勃勃,呈现一片热闹的景象。
- Based on speculative or abstract reasoning. 哲学上的,理论上的建立在思辩或抽象的推论之上的
- Much of our information is speculative. 我们的许多信息是带推测性的。
- Stamp collecting is my favorite activity. 集邮是我最喜爱的消遣。