- spectral line frequency 谱线频率
- A false spectral line caused by imperfections in the diffraction grating. 鬼线衍射光栅中的不完整衍射引起一条虚幻的鬼线
- A spectral line is emitted when an atom proceeds from an excited state to a lower state. 当原子从一个受激态进入另一个较低的状态时,就发射一条谱线。
- More than 57 spectral lines have a power above 0.5 W at a single line. 单支输出功率在500mW以上的有57支谱线.
- Nevertheless, there is misapplication about understanding spectral line parallelism and spectral vector parallelism. 然而,在实际认识中,存在着光谱谱线平行和光谱向量平行混淆的误区。
- Normally, the measured spectral line for the superheated iron atoms would show up as a symmetrical peak. 通常,所测得的超高温铁原子光谱线会显示出一个均匀的尖顶。
- Typically caused by distortions to the frequency components below the horizontal line frequency . 它沿水平方向逐步扩展,通常是由低于行频的频率畸变造成的。
- Cesium-133 atoms emit a thin microwave spectral line when its 55th electron jumps back from an excited state orbital to its ground state (transition). 铯133原子发射一个细的微波谱线当它的第55个电子从受激态轨道跳回基态时(跃迁)。
- A high-resolution, multi-line spectroscopic diagnostic system was used to detect two spectral line intensities in plasma jet simultaneously. 摘要采用一套高精度多谱线的等离子光谱诊断系统来同时探测等离子体射流中两条谱线的强度。
- Because characteristic of electron gun job is restricted, scanning frequency included line frequency and field frequency two concepts. 由于电子枪工作特点限制,扫描频率包括了行频与场频两个概念。
- The experimental results show that the blackness of the spectral line is linear to the logarithm of the sample accumulating time. 实验结果表明:谱线黑度值与试样积累时间的对数值之间具有较好的线性关系。
- The display distinguishes the method of the rate exaltation a lot of, we may Discussion from Order to be apart from,line Frequency, Field Frequency so and so. 显示器分辨率提高的方法很多,可以从带宽、点距、行频、场频等方面讨论,而这些因素都是相互联系的。
- For the system V10800, for instance, an attenuation change of about ±0.6 decibel for one repeater section can be reckoned with at the highest line frequency. 例如,对于V10800系统来说,在最高线路频率下,一增音段的衰减变化可视为±0.;6分贝左右。
- After a little argon was mixed, the breakdown voltage of discharge obviously decreased.The spectral line intensities of nitrogen molecules and nitrogen atoms increased. 在大气中加入少量氩气后,击穿电压明显降低,在相同电压条件下,氮分子光谱线和氮原子光谱线强度都增强。
- For the system V10800, for instance, an attenuation change of about ?.6 decibel for one repeater section can be reckoned with at the highest line frequency. 例如,对于V10800系统来说,在最高线路频率下,一增音段的衰减变化可视为&%23177;0.;6分贝左右。
- The investigations have been made on sample preparation,apparatus parameter optimazation, spectral line selections,the interference of major element and the effect of acidity. 试验研究了试样的制备方法,优化了仪器多数。进行了谱线选择,基体元素干扰,酸度影响等试验。
- Line frequency withstand voltage test is a test to verify low-voltage appliance's solid insulation and the capacity to withstand short time over-voltage. 工频耐受电压试验是验证低压电器固体绝缘及其耐受暂态过电压能力的试验。
- Principle of line frequency withstand voltage test equipment, the relation between test transformer capacity and leakage current setting value and cautions at test are described. 描述了工频耐受电压试验设备原理、试验变压器容量与泄漏电流整定值之间的关系以及试验时的注意事项。
- The person that pass by the path asks a pedestrian, pedestrian Dan Yun nods line frequency or prevent a river from 15 north, come 40 on the west battalion cropland. 道旁过者问行人,行人但云点行频或从十五北防河,便至四十西营田。
- In 1896 Seeman observed that application of an external magnetic field caused a splitting of atomic spectral lines. 1896年西曼观察到应用外磁场时,使原子光谱线分裂。