- spectral image generalization 光谱图像综合
- The New Image Compression Technology of the Interferential Spectral Image[J]. 引用该论文 马静;吴成柯;李云松;周有喜;相里斌;陈东.
- The objective of this research is to develop a reflection spectral image detection method based on metamerism breakdown characteristic. 摘要针对复杂背景中异物检测难题,提出了一种基于同色异谱特性的反射光谱图像检测方法。
- Imaging Spectral Image, Strip Corretion, Surface Fitting Correction, Information Entropy, Loss-less Compression. 成像光谱图像,相关性,曲面拟合校正,信息熵,无损压缩
- The sugar content of nectarine was detected by using spectral imaging. 应用光谱图像技术进行油桃内部品质无损检测技术的研究。
- Design Considerations of Rotary Interference Spectral Imager(ROSI)[J]. 引用该论文 袁艳;相里斌.
- The slit of Hyper Spectral Imager(HSI) is introduced,which plays a key role in the instrument. 介绍了在狭缝超光谱成像仪中的重要作用。
- Analysis and Revision on Spectra Aliasing of Hadamard Transform Spectral Imager[J]. 引用该论文 周锦松;吕群波;相里斌.
- The image here is spoken of as virtual just as is the familiar image generated by a plane mirror. 这时的象叫做虚象,正如由平面镜所生成的熟知的象一样。
- Use this property to return the name of the assembly that the native image generation service binds to. 使用此属性可返回本机映像生成服务所绑定到的程序集的名称。
- Attribute allows you to optimize your code by pre-allocating string literals during native image generation rather than at run time. 属性允许您在本机映像生成期间而不是在运行时通过预分配字符串来优化代码。
- Based on the analysis to spectrum and spatiality of scene,a UV/VIS/NIR broad band hyperspectral reconnaissance sensor,subsequently,imaging detection experiment is conducted,and sequence spectral image of typical scene and target is gotten. 在分析景物的光谱-空间特征的基础上,设计了UV/VIS/NIR宽波段范围的超光谱侦察传感器,并进行了成像探测实验,获得了典型场景和目标的光谱序列图像。
- The Design idea and Computer Image Generation(CIG)technique of a low-cost Air Traffic Control(ATC)Tower Simulator based on networked microcomputers are proposed. 本文给出一种基于微机网络的低成本塔台视景系统的设计思想和图象生成(CIG)技术。
- The experiments are done with orthogonal polarization spectral imaging apparatus based on this theory and some nail-fold microcirculation images with good contrast are obtained. 利用基于该原理的正交偏振光谱成像仪器进行了实验,得到对比度清晰的甲襞微循环图像。
- To resolve the problem of detection of similar foreign materials in the complex background, a detection method based on transmission/reflection spectral imaging was proposed. 摘要针对复杂背景中相似异物检测难题,提出了一种利用透/反射光谱成像的相似异物检测方法。
- In this paper, we summarize a design of a pixel processor of a real-time Computer Image Generation(CIG) system, which has been in use. 本文总结了一个实时计算机图像生成系统(ComputerImageGenerationSys-tem:CIG)中象素处理器的设计,该系统已投入使用。
- Samuel Weaver,Kelvin Wagner.Nonlinear techniques in optical synthetic aperture radar image generation and target recognition [J]. 基于体全息图像库的模式识别算法--论文摘要--中国光学期刊网
- Gives the Phantom Lancer an edge in combat by allowing him to evade attacks and increasing Juxtapose's image generation. 让幻影长矛手能以一定的几率闪避攻击,提升在攻击中制造幻象的几率。
- Airborne 3D imager which integrates global positioning system, attitude measurement unit, scanning laser range finder and spectral imager can produce geo-referenced image and digital terrain models (DTM) without ground control points. 机载三维成像仪是集成了全球定位系统 (GPS)、姿态测量装置、激光测距仪和光谱成像仪的新一代航空遥感系统 ,它能直接得到地学编码影像和数字地面模型 (DTM) ,而无需地面控制点。
- In 1993, a space shuttle mission repaired the Hubble telescope by installing a "corrective lens" to refocus the image generated by the improperly manufactured mirror. 1993年,一架航天飞机被派去修复哈勃望远镜,修复的办法是给它安装一块“矫焦镜”,使得通过制造有缺陷的镜片产生的图像,能够重新正确聚焦。